Have material you’d like to share with the world? The University of Michigan has a number of services available for sharing your open resources.
Share Open Educational Resources
We can help you publish and promote your Open.Michigan Educational Resources content (OER). Your shared materials will be free for teachers and learners to use. We will determine your approved licenses which might include ability to reuse and remix, allow instructors, students, and self-paced learners to use in the classroom or create their own educational resources to share with others.
Share Open Data
We can help you make your data publicly available, free to use, reuse, and distribute. These tools can help you meet funding agency mandates or other data-sharing requirements.
Share Open Publications
Want to increase the impact of your work? Publishing in an open access venue, negotiating better terms in your publishing contract, or archiving previously published work are all ways to make your work openly available to readers.