The datasets that underlie research findings are increasingly in demand. Funding agencies require that research data be discoverable, accessible, and preserved for future use. Publishers ask for data sets to be included alongside of publications as supplemental files to support research findings. Researchers themselves seek out existing data sets to test out new theories or generate new discoveries.
In response, the University of Michigan Library has developed Deep Blue Data, a repository for sharing and archiving research data that were developed at the University of Michigan. Deep Blue Data is a component of a suite of services provided by the U-M Library designed to share the research, teaching, and creative works produced by the University of Michigan community.
To learn how to share your data with the world, visit Deep Blue Data.
For assistance with other stages in the research data lifecycle—such as understanding mandates, data management plans, metadata, preservation, and visualization—contact Research Data Services at the University Library.
Unsure if you’re required to share your data? Browse data sharing requirements by federal funding agency. For a complete list of public access policies by federal agency, consult this spreadsheet maintained by academic librarians.