EDT 585: Open Pedagogy – A New Paradigm for Teaching and Learning

Snow globe with the words "shake up your class" inside

Image courtesy of Gideon Burton under a Creative Commons license: BY-SA.

Winter 2010
December 10, 2010
January 6, 2016

The main objective of this course is to explore and critique the role of an open pedagogy in education. Participants will develop an understanding of the concept of open and explore its application in, primarily, the context of educational environments as well as use and assess emerging learning technologies and social media. Participants will also learn about a variety of other initiatives and projects employing an open pedagogy, learn how to both identify and create open educational resources and develop a familiarity with the legal and policy considerations (e.g. copyright) surrounding the use and creation of open content. Through reading, writing, and sharing these writings, participants will make important contributions to the ongoing and exciting conversation around the future of teaching and learning.

Instructor: Garin Fons

Course Level: Graduate

Course Structure: Two semester online course

Link to Course Blog

Link to Course Wiki



Course Structure

This is a two semester online course running from September 9th – April 20th The course is offered as part of offered as part of the U-M Flint Technology in Education: Global Program. It is offered as a for credit class for those students enrolled via the U-M program, but also made freely available for anyone outside the program to follow and contribute to. Since this is an online course, we will not have any formal meeting times. Instead, we will make use of the following four important course resources: the blog, the wiki, your twitter account, and the email list (for those enrolled only).

The wiki: The course wiki is both an active project space and course archive. It is organized according to the course themes and is the space where we will capture relevant links to readings, videos, websites, and upload and other such material that pertains to a particular theme’s reading or discussion.

The blog: The course blog is the conversation component of our course. Here, I will introduce each weeks theme and, at times, include a lecture / podcast. I will then ask a series of questions related to the articles / resources we have read each week and expect your response to be added here, whether it be in the form of a traditional text comment, an audio or video response, a tweet informing the group of a blog post you have written, etc. The blog also contains the syllabus and the schedule in the top level navigation.

Twitter: If you haven’t already, each of you will set up a Twitter account that we will use to alert course participants (as well as others interested in the theme) of the work that you are doing for this course. We will use the hash #openglobal to keep track of our posts. Feel free to use other hashes if they relate to a particular theme, e.g. #OER

Email list: This groups list will be a general way of making announcements that you may not see on the blog. It may also serve as a way to discuss logistics behind course expectations, technical issues, etc. Discussion may occur within this forum, but note that we may move these discussions to the blog so that it has more visibility.

Other Aspects of the Course

Lectures: Each week, we will discuss a different theme related to Open Pedagogy. I will start many of the weeks off with a short lecture / presentation or post on the course blog that will introduce the week’s theme (posted Sunday evening). I will also introduce the assigned readings and ask that if you find other interesting readings related to the week’s theme, that you update them on our wiki.

Readings: I have pulled together a list of readings for each week’s theme. They are posted in the schedule and also on the wiki. Participants are expected to read all assigned readings and are encouraged to review any supplemental materials.

Collaboration: Depending on the week, I will either ask you to respond to a series of questions related to the readings in text form on the blog, or ask that you share your reactions in an audio or video response. Do not simply provide a summary of the reading or resource assigned for that week. Think critically. Relate the assigned readings to non-assigned readings you find, use non-assigned readings and resources to make new arguments. Challenge the assumptions made in the assigned resources and include as much of your own original thought as possible. Always send a tweet about your posts using the hash tag: #openglobal I expect to see your posts and reactions to others’ posts on the blog no later than Saturday night.


As outlined in the previous section, reading, writing, and demonstrating that you are thinking and making connections is the only “assignment”. At times, I will as you to respond to particular questions and there may be a few quizzes to demonstrate your knowledge. In addition to the weekly requirement for commentary and collaboration on the blog, the other assignment is to demonstrate active contribution to the wiki by posting related news stories, linking to other relevant resources, articles, websites, etc. In the second semester of the course we will turn your capstone projects into Open Educational Resources.

Learning Outcomes

The main objective of this course is to explore and critique the role of an open pedagogy in education. Participants will develop an understanding of the concept of open and explore its application in, primarily, the context of educational environments as well as use and assess emerging learning technologies and social media. Participants will also learn about a variety of other initiatives and projects employing an open pedagogy, learn how to both identify and create open educational resources and develop a familiarity with the legal and policy considerations (e.g. copyright) surrounding the use and creation of open content. Through reading, writing, and sharing these writings, participants will make important contributions to the ongoing and exciting conversation around the future of teaching and learning.



WEEK 1: September 8th – Introductions and logistics

Logistics: Set up your blog account, your wiki account, your twitter account, review the course Syllabus.

Assignment: Familiarize yourself with the syllabus, the schedule, the blog, the wiki. Contribute some info about yourself and your knowledge of Open. Read a Wikipedia entry on Free Content (see assigned reading below).

  • Introduce yourself on the blog by commenting in the Welcome post a) what you hope to gain out of this course and b). any familiarity you have with open related initiatives, products, services, etc
  • Add yourself to the participants list on the wiki.
  • Join Twitter. Send a tweet using the hashtag #openglobal

Assigned Reading: Free Content http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_content

WEEK 2: September 14th – Introduction to Open Pedagogy – The changing nature of teaching and learning.

To kick off the course, we will explore the changing nature of teaching and learning with a review of three publications. First, a 2005 essay by Marc Prensky in which he explores the challenges we face as educators to “engage” student at their levels: “it’s not “relevance” that’s lacking for this generation, it’s engagement.” (Prensky pg 64)

Second, an essay by John Seely Brown and Richard Adler. Seely Brown and Adler discuss the tenants of social learning and learning 2.0 and they make a strong case for open education as a part of basic teaching and learning experience.

The third publication is from the KnowledgeWorks Foundation: 2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning. This comprehensive and thought provoking resource is something I want you to spend a good deal of time reviewing as it is something we will refer back to throughout the course of the semester.


Please review the three assigned readings and respond to at least one of the following questions from the 2020 Forecast on the course blog. Also, send a tweet about your blog post and be sure to use the tag #openglobal somewhere in the post.

  • Digital natives and cooperative technologies combine to create a generation of “amplified individuals”. How will amplified educators and organizations change the role of school in the broader community?
  • What kinds of shocks might the education system face in the next decade? What kinds of partnerships, transparency, and networks will be critical for building school communities in reacting to these shocks?
  • School administrators, district level staff, and teachers will need to learn how to communicate and interact in a bottom-up world of engaged “educitizens”. What kinds of roles can educators and schools play in an increasingly transparent world with more bottom-up monitoring of learning? What kinds of public, visible dialogues should educators be catalyzing?

Assigned Readings:

1. Marc Prensky, “Engage Me or Enrage Me – What Today’s Learners Demand” (2005)http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/erm0553.pdf

2. John Seely Brown and Richard Adler “Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0″:http://www.educause.edu/EDUCAUSE+Review/EDUCAUSEReviewMagazineVolume43/MindsonFireOpenEducationtheLon/162420

3. 2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning – http://futureofed.org/

Supplementary Readings:

Anya Kamenetz, “The Future of Less: How Web-Savvy Edupunks Are Transforming American Higher Education” http://futureofless.blogspot.com/2009/08/how-web-savvy-edupunks-are-transforming.html

Supplementary Video:

“A vision of Students today” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGCJ46vyR9o

Key themes:

Social learning, learning 2.0, Transparency, Open Pedagogy

Week 3: September 21st – Introduction to Open Pedagogy – The changing nature of teaching and learning – Continued.

Focusing in on the 2020 Forecast, choose one of the Forecast areas (i.e. Altered Bodies – Self, A New Civic Discourse, Society) and consider the following questions:

- Do you agree with the forecast?
- Do you have a response to any one of the questions presented in the specific forecast areas?
- Do you have stories or experiences that support or challenge one of the trends?
- Do you have other examples of projects or initiatives that we could as signals?
- Which sort learning agent do you see yourself as?

Week 4: September 28th – Questioning Authority

What does it mean to have a single author? A trusted source? What is the concept of Web 2.0 democracy and netizenship? Is this a myth? This week we will explore how user created / shaped resources – ubiquitous in our Web 2.0 shaped lives – challenge traditional sources of information and notions of authority. What are we to make of the fact that user contributed content not only forms a significant part of the web, but also is integral in the way that we search, consume, and contribute on the web? How does our consumption and contribution to it challenge traditional notions of accuracy, relevance, and trust?


Respond in comment field of this week’s post with a reaction to this week’s reading.

Assigned Readings:

Jonathan Zittrain, “Chapter 6: The Lessons of Wikipedia” in The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It: http://futureoftheinternet.org/ available here as html (http://yupnet.org/zittrain/archives/16) or via dowload here (http://futureoftheinternet.org/download)

Daniel Terdiman, “Study: Wikipedia as accurate as Britannica” http://news.cnet.com/Study-Wikipedia-as-accurate-as-Britannica/2100-1038_3-5997332.html

Chris Wilson, “The Wisdom of the Chaperones” http://www.slate.com/id/2184487

Supplementary Reading:

Tamar Lewin, “In a digital future, textbooks are history”:http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/09/education/09textbook.html?_r=2&hp

Jonathan Zittrain, “The Future of the Internet and How to Stop it”:http://futureoftheinternet.org/ For those of you interested in a more technical view at authority, read Chapter 4: The Generative Pattern.

David Weinberger, “Chapter 7: Social Knowing” in Everything is Miscellaneous:http://www.everythingismiscellaneous.com/ (physical copy only)

Key themes:

authority, trust, community-based creation, generative vs. tethered technologies, Netizenship, social knowing

WEEK 5: October 5th – The influence of Social Media in Teaching and Learning

What is the role of social media in education? Students and, increasingly, teachers spend a significant amount of time using these services. How does this affect how students want to learn? How they might learn? This week and next, we will read and discuss two resources. First, a report by Paul Anderson that helps lay out some of the basic ideas, technologies, and services of Web 2.0 and the various ways this core might be leveraged for education.

Assignment: TBD

Assigned Reading:

Paul Anderson: “What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education”http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/techwatch/tsw0701b.pdf

Assigned Video:

“Did you know 2.0” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMcfrLYDm2U

“Did you know revised version” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpEnFwiqdx8

“socialnomics”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIFYPQjYhv8

“A vision of k-12 students today”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A-ZVCjfWf8

Supplementary Readings:

How Students, Professors, and Colleges Are, and Should Be, Using Social Mediahttp://chronicle.com/blogPost/How-Students-Professors-a/7787/

WEEK 6 – October 12th – The influence of Social Media in Teaching and Learning (part 2)

Digital Natives logoContinuing theme from last week, we will review a wiki resource created in conjunction with the publication of a book by John Palfry and Urs Gasser, called Digital Natives. The wiki, arranged by contributors to the Digital Natives project of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and the Research Center for Information Law at the University of St. Gallen, contains a lot a great material that we will use to examine the effect of the Internet on learning and teaching styles. Additionally, we will use a number of supplementary video resources to further explore how students and teachers need, perhaps, to react the presence of social media in our personal, professional, and educational lives.

Assignment: TBD

Assigned Readings:

Digital Natives: http://www.digitalnative.org/#home more specifically the Digital Education page: http://www.digitalnative.org/wiki/Portal:Digital_Education

Two page summary of the UC Berkeley Digital Youth Project study called Living and Learning with New Media: http://www.macfound.org/atf/cf/%7BB0386CE3-8B29-4162-8098-E466FB856794%7D/DML_ETHNOG_2PGR.PDF

WEEK 7: October 19th – <Break>

Open Discussion. How is the class going? What so far has been most exciting, what would you like to focus on? We have a few “open” weeks coming up and I want to ensure that we have time to talk about things that we may have moved past too quickly, explore other things in depth, etc. What’s on your mind?

WEEK 8 / 9 – October 26th - Law, Policy, Culture: Creative Commons and beyond

I received some great feedback from many of you about what you would like to see in future courses. Thank you. I’ll be putting together a list of readings and videos as a result of these suggestions and setting them into the course schedule in the coming weeks.

This week, we are going to make a full turn into talking about the requirements of open. What does it mean to be open? How does one know that a particular creative work can be used and shared? One week is way too short a time period to delve into the nuances of all the legal and policy aspects of openness; however, we will scratch the surface by reading a few resources that will help us to better understand copyright, the public domain, fair use, andlicensing. This week, I expect a pretty active discussion with a lot of questions about what you and others can and can’t do because of copyright, what you can do with public domain content, what sorts of limitations fair use places on the exclusive rights of a copyright holder, and what licenses like Creative Commons licenses enable you and others to do with copyrighted content.

The very basic thing that it is important to walk away with from this week is that just because something is on the internet and easy and free to find doesn’t mean that it is open.

In addition to the assigned reading, the websites of both Lessig’s and Boyle’s books are fantastic resources Free Culture and The Public Domain. As is the Creative Commonswebsite.


Ask questions on the blog about your experiences using, sharing, creating, downloading and uploading content, be it educational, personal, professional and I will do my best to “answer” them. Ask questions about your practice and about situations and scenarios you encounter in your every day work as an educator or a student or a professional or a parent. Can you print out 50 copies of a book and distribute them to your class? Can you have your students post their class assignments online? If so, what do they need to do? Or a really specific example: “I teach a class each semester where I talk about blogs, wikis, and innovative tech tools that students and teachers can use in the classroom. I use a bunch of images to enliven the presentation; however, I usually grab these images from the search results page of my favorite search engine. I understand that the images are copyrighted by others (many contain copyright notices right on them) Is it ok for me to do this for classroom use? What if I’m giving this presentation at a conference? What if another teacher wants to use this presentation? Can I share it with her or is there some risk of infringing copyright?”

I encourage each of you to also get involved and respond to others questions with what you feel to be “common sense” (Lessig reference) response. The law may say one thing, but practice says another. Please note that nothing I say or each of us say in the comments is legal advice – these are our thoughts and can only be used to help guide our thinking. I look forward to this week’s questions and discussion.

Assigned Readings:

Lawrence Lessig: “Introduction” in Free Culture: http://www.free-culture.cc/freecontent/

James Boyle, “Introduction” in The Public Domain: http://www.thepublicdomain.org/download

James Boyle, “Chapter 8: The Creative Commons” in The Public Domain:http://www.thepublicdomain.org/download

Assigned Videos:

Creative Commons, “Get Creative”, http://creativecommons.org/videos/get-creative

Creative Commons, “Wanna work together?”, http://creativecommons.org/videos/wanna-work-together

Eric Faden, “A Fair(y) Use Tale”, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJn_jC4FNDo

WEEK 10: November 9th - The Value of Sharing

This past week we had, what I will describe, as a fantastic discussion around copyright and the issues that arise in using copyrighted content in teaching, learning, and every day use and sharing. There were a lot of great questions and I know that I wasn’t able to address all of them; but I hope that as we go forward, and you have questions about copyright and fair use, that you”ll continue to ask them. The most important thing I want you to take away from last week, though, is that I don’t want to scare you as you’re doing what you’re doing in the classroom, with colleagues, with friends, and with family. Instead, I want to encourage you to think about alternative ways of creating, gathering, using, and sharing content. We have been asking a lot of questions like: “can I use this?” or “am i breaking the law?” Honestly, the best answer I or anyone can probably give is “it depends.” So much depends on the context in which the content is used, the amount of content used, the method by which content is distributed, the type of content itself. It could go on and on and on. What if we, instead, began asking questions like: who has openly licensed materials that I can use in creating materials for my classes? Who out there is creating innovative ways of teaching using new digital tools and services? How might I incorporate these in what I do? How might I contribute to these projects by submitting my own work and my students work?

As we explore these questions, I want to take a look at an ongoing series of interviews on the value of sharing, conducted and arranged on the GOOD magazine blog by the creative director of Creative Commons, Eric Steuer. These interviews should get us into the mindet around the value of sharing, learn about people who come from a variety of fields and are involved in a variety of projects – all which value sharing. As you read or listen to these interviews, think about how you could apply some of the same enthusiasm to your environment and what you do. Are there particular comments that stand out? Were you surprised by any one person’s comments in particular?

Assignment: Pick out three interviews. Listen to them. read them. Write a post about those that you read and articulate what you thought surprising, interesting, valuable, or controversial. As per usual, include relevant links to other projects and people and things that are on your mind.

Assigned Readings / Video / Audio:

Good Magazine Blog Series by Eric Steuer: http://www.good.is/community/EricSteuer

Supplemental Reading:

NYTimes article exploring the concept of the self online: Brave New World of Digital Intimacy:http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/07/magazine/07awareness-t.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&hp

WEEK 11: November 16th – Survey of Open Projects (part 1)

To continue this idea of the value of sharing, we will spend this week and next (the week after US Thanksgiving Break), looking at the spectrum of Open Projects, ranging from Open CourseWare and Open Access Publishing to Open Source Software and Open Governance. Open is everywhere. Specifically, we’ll trace the evolution and growth of Open by focusing on the practitioners, authors, educators, and others who freely share their creative works with others as Open Source Software, Open Access content, and Open Educational Resources. We will then also discuss how these projects have unfolded in various educational, non-profit, government, and research settings and examine the possibilities and prospects of applying these initiative’s methods and ethos to our own approaches to teaching, learning, collaboration, and knowledge generation.

We will begin this two week stretch by reading a recent publication by the P2P Foundation entitled: Open Everything Mindmap and Visualization. It’s a great resource to get a handle on what open really extends to: education, politics, business, organizations, etc. Play around on it and see just how “big” open is. It’s not exhaustive and is certainly open to additions. So, if there are projects and areas you feel are missing or are under-represented, mention them in your post.

oh, and just to note, we will get to talking about some of the requested topics – including the Google Books Settlement, in early December.


Browse the mind map. Comment about some of the open resources, projects, software that you currently use or rely on to do your work or simply find interesting. Discuss project that should be on the mind map, but aren’t. Comment on how you feel an open ideology / open project / open initiative might implemented in your workplace or educational setting. For example, how would you begin to approach administrators or colleagues about your interest in an open pedagogy or work with and among administrators, colleagues and students to implement a program. What incentives would you point to? What benefits could you suggest would come from, say, using open source software, spending teacher and student time creating an open textbook, or collaborating with other educators and staff to research alternatives? Start by talking about where you work and what you do and how some form of open project might begin in this setting.

We can use the blog or also feel free to upload a document to the file sharing part of the blog.

Assigned Readings: 
P2P Foundation Open Everything Mindmap and visualizationhttp://blog.p2pfoundation.net/open-everything-mindmap-and-visualization/2009/09/08

WEEK 12: November 23rd - <week of Thanksgiving off>

WEEK 13: November 30th – Survey of Open Projects (part 2)

- Open Educational Resources projects

- What is OER? http://opened.creativecommons.org/Overview

WEEK 14: December 7th – Net Neutrality Discussion

- timely discussion around the Comcast / NBC sale and upcoming regulation. What happens when the same people who own the pipes own a majority of the content that passes through it?

WEEK 15: December 14th – TBD


This semester we will work to apply what we’ve learned last semester to your capstone projects and also explore a few more themes around copyright, fair use, etc. in greater depth.

WEEK 1: January 10th – Opening up the Capstone

A post about why taking the time to turn your projects into Open Educational Resources will enhance the impact and reach of your project. Plus, a synthesis of your final assignments from Fall 09. How you thought openness could be applied to your capstone projects.

WEEK 2: January 17th – Open.Michigan resources

This week, we take a closer look at how to open your projects using resources developed by the Open.Michigan team. I am fortunate to be a part of team that specializes in assisting the faculty, staff, and students of the University of Michigan to maximize the impact of their creative and scholarly work by making them Open Educational Resources. We work with people in all stages of the development of a particular resource, but the best time to assist is, as you can probably guess, in the early stages of a project. This week we will look at the resources we have available and utilize a series of resources I’ve put together for our group to guide us as we assess our own projects, clear copyright, and license content.

WEEK 3: January 24th – Copyright Questions, Project Specific Questions, FAQs

I’ll request and respond to your questions, concerns, confusions, and, hopefully, excitement as you work through assessing and documenting what you’ll need to do to move your project closer to being an OER.

WEEK 4: January 31st – Lecture on the Copyright: Why Judges Rule.

Not everything that takes a long time to make, looks interesting, sounds cool, or is from some famous individual or big corporation has enough creative expression to be afforded copyright. This week I’ll talk about some of the tools that our Open.Michigan team has created with legal counsel to help guide people in thinking about this.

WEEK 5: February 7th – Content Assessment

This week we focus on assessing the content that’s part of your capstone projects. What images are you using? What content? Will you be able to use it? Or will you need to replace with openly licensed content? These are just a few of the questions you’ll ask to ensure your resource can be shared as an OER.

WEEK 6: February 14th – Free Culture X

Students for Free Culture is an organization of student who do work to get people interested and involved in sharing and also standing up for the rights we under U.S. law to make use of and share content. Free Culture is having it’s annual conference this year called Free Culture X (http://conference.freeculture.org/) on February 13th and 14th in Washington DC. I will be there to speak on a panel about the dScribe model we’ve developed at Open.Michigan and to hear from a variety of other students about the ways in which they’re making positive change on their campuses and in their local communities.

Writing Assignment:

WEEK 7: February 21st – Check in with progress on open assessment

Where are you on cataloging the material and the resources that are a part of your capstone project? This week we’ll collaborate via email to find out what questions you have, where you’re stuck, and where you’re making good progress.

WEEK 8: February 28th – Break.

WEEK 9: March 8th – Continue Content Assessment.

WEEK 10 – WEEK 11: March 15th – March 27th – National Education Technology Plan

The Obama Administration has released a plan to transform K-16 education in the United States. This week and next we’ll review this plan, comment on what is proposed, and discuss how this plan relates to the places we work.

WEEK 12: March 28th – Editing and Publishing – NETP continued

Now that you have spent a good deal of time reviewing the content in your capstone project, it’s now time to make edits to the resource, and include the necessary information to alert users on how they can make use of the content on the site. Furthermore, we continue the discussion of the NETP plan – focusing specifically on parts of the plan that you feel particularly passionate or skeptical about.

WEEK 13: April 4th – Continue Editing and Publishing

By now, you should have made all the necessary edits and be well on the way to publishing your resources as OER. Email communication this week as we sort out logistics.

WEEK 14: April 12th – Symposium on Next Generation Teaching and Learning

This week, we’ll take a close look as some of the projects and people behind the Next Generation Teaching and Learning initiative at the iSchool of the University of California, Berkeley.

WEEK 15: April 18th – Publish you Capstones as OER

WEEK 16: April 25th – Final Reflections

Reading List

Introduction to Open Pedagogy – The changing nature of teaching and learning.

Relevant Readings:

Relevant Video:

  • “A vision of Students today” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGCJ46vyR9o
    • Take a look here at this website :) I am an Entrepreneur teacher looking for fun creative ways to get a product, service or company name out there and this is really creative webdesigning or at least one of the more creative. I will also post on the regular blog but here for video storage. http://producten.hema.nl/

Questioning Authority

CORE MATHEMATICS vs the standard sequence. http://www.wmich.edu/cpmp/index.html

Relevant Readings:

Relevant Video:

  • Donald Ingber "Behave: Dance" http://sptnk.org/#/conversation/7663/ For a cool explanation of organic rule creation in biology and art (also see other videos under the theme of "Flocking")

From the Blogosphere:

The influence of Social Media in Teaching and Learning

Relevant Readings:

Relevant Video:

Law, Policy, Culture: Creative Commons and beyond

Relevant Readings:

The Value of Sharing

Relevant Readings:

Relevant Video:

A trailer to a documentary about making it as an artist today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V04bYUmslHk#watch-main-area

Survey of Open Projects

Open Source Software

Open Access Initiatives

Open Educational Resources

Interesting twist on OER: http://chronicle.com/blogPost/Free-Web-Site-Helps-Harvard/9205/

Other Open Source Topics

Teacher's Lounge Resources (Humor)

Relevant Readings:


  • Funny video about Twitter (be sure to watch both parts!)

Something fun! To muppet the fans, enjoy! http://mashable.com/2009/11/24/muppets-bohemian-rhapsody/

About the Creators

Photo of Garin Fons standing in front of a classroom

Garin Fons

I am an Open Education Specialist in the Office of Enabling Technologies at the University of Michigan Medical School. Currently, I help facilitate the Open.Michigan project for the University, helping faculty, staff, and students share the educational resources they create with people worldwide. In December 2007, I graduated from the University of Michigan School of Information with a tailored specialization in Information Policy and Community Informatics. I have a particularly strong interest in information and communication technologies / practices that help to enable new forms of collaboration and assist in helping people gain the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. I also am a fan of local food and when not online or otherwise working, I am generally found in my garden, the market, or a kitchen.