“Focused on the physical and biological barriers and opportunities for drug delivery, this book is an outstanding text that comprehensively addresses the major issues [in drug delivery] in the field. The scholarship is exemplary and the volume is a very useful contribution to knowledge, which I hope will be adopted for teaching in our College and other schools of pharmacy in the nation. Its comprehensive nature, coupled with its combination of introductory and advanced material, position it well for such use.”
—James T. Dalton, Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Michigan
“Beginning with a well-documented history of herbal remedies from early Mesopotamia and China, Flynn and Roberts focus on fundamental principles that underlie simple and complex drug delivery systems. I found the book thoroughly enjoyable and enlightening as I made my way through the various delivery systems, from oral to dermal to nasal and pulmonary systems.”
—Kathleen Giacomini, Professor and co-Chair, Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, University of California at San Francisco
“No dosage form: no drug. This textbook takes a fresh and original approach to the world of drug delivery. Readable and fascinating, it is a must for all those wishing to understand the background and mechanics of dosage form technology.”
—Jennifer B. Dressman, Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
“How drug delivery is achieved and controlled is fundamental in the education of a pharmacist. Flynn and Roberts have provided a most comprehensive treatise on the molecular, anatomical, and biophysical components for the primary routes of drug delivery. A bridge between the fundamental sciences and the 21st century practices of drug delivery gives the student a vivid and practical understanding of the essential elements of drug delivery.”
—Timothy A. Hagen, Past Vice President of Science and Technology, Pfizer, Inc.

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Physical and Biophysical Foundations of Pharmacy Practice: Issues in Drug Delivery |
Gordon L. Flynn