Image adapted from Gregor_y under a Creative Commons license: BY-SA.
This course covers the basic principles of elastic behavior for different materials such as wood, steel, concrete, and composite materials and compares the properties and applications of materials generally. It investigates cross sectional stress and strain behavior in flexure and in shear, and torsion as well as the stability of beams and columns. The qualitative behavior of combined stresses and fracture in materials is also covered.
Instructor: Peter von Buelow
dScribes: Matt Ducharme-Smith, Michael Lindstrom, Chigozie Ozor, Ryan Donaghy, Thomas Drew
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Structure: Two lectures, one recitation weekly
Available on: iTunes U
Course Description:
This course covers the basic principles of elastic behavior for different materials such as wood, steel, concrete and composite materials, and compares the properties and applications of materials generally. It investigate cross sectional stress and strain behavior in flexure and shear, and torsion as well as the stability of beams and columns. The qualitative behavior of combined stresses and fracture in materials is also covered. Arch 314, Structures I, is a prerequisite for this course.
Students are introduced to the fundamentals of analysis and design of simple structural members in steel, wood, and concrete. Basic code requirements, strength, stability, and serviceability are discussed. Principles of composite materials design, structural continuity, and combined stresses are covered.
A series of lectures are regularly given on each Monday and Friday. The lectures cover concepts and procedures, including demonstrations. Each Wednesday the class is broken into smaller sections for recitation in which problems can be solved with more student/instructor interaction. Solutions to homework problems are entered online through the course website. Three tests are used to measure student comprehension of the material. In addition a construction/testing project is used to allow students an opportunity to apply concepts to a physical design. Computer facilities, including software, are available for supporting computations. Facility and equipment for structural model testing is also available.
Evaluation is based upon three tests (39%), a series of home work problems (48%), and a construction/testing project (13%). All work will be set on a 100 point scale with a full range of letter grades assigned.
Lectures and Exercises:
Solutions to exercises (example problems from the text) are provided in the course pack. These as well as lecture slides are also available on the course web site. In addition, the lectures will be recorded and posted to the web site. Students are expected to review any lectures which thy miss. The exercises will not be collected or scored, but solutions can be discussed in the Wednesday recitation sessions or by appointment with GSI's.
A set of homework problems covering the primary aspects of the course will be given to each student. Each student will have a unique set of problems to solve. Students submit solutions online for scoring. each problem may be worked up to 3 times (3 different data sets) for credit. The best score from one of the 3 trials will be recorded. Late problems will be penalized at -5% per day up to a maximum of -35%. Problems are accessed through the course web site. A FAQ which explains the policy concerning the problems is also posted.
A group project to design, construct and test a compression structure will be assigned during the course. It will be documented with both a preliminary and a report which together count 13% of the final grade.
The required text is Structural Principles, by I. Engel (Prentice Hall, 1984). A course pack is available at the TCAUP Media Center. Additional material will be posted to the course web site.
Learning Outcomes
Students in Arch 324 are assigned a group project to design, construct, and test a compression structure. It will be documented with both a preliminary and a report, which together count as 13% of the final grade.
Click here to view individual Arch 324 student projects from winter 2009. A compiled project video is also available for viewing by clicking the YouTube icon above.
About the Creators

Peter von Buelow
- Ph.D. Engineering, University of Stuttgart
- M.S. in Civil Engineering, University of Tennessee
- Fulbright Scholar, University of Stuttgart
- B.A. in Architecture, University of Tennessee

Image adapted from Gregor_y under a Creative Commons license: BY-SA.
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Syllabus |
Peter von Buelow
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Unit 01: Exercise 11-2 |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 02: Exercise 18-1AD |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 02: Exercise 18-1EH |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 02: Exercise 18-1II |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 02: Exercise 18-2II |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 02: Exercise 18-3 |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 02: Exercise 18-3III |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 03: Exercise 12-2I |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 03: Exercise 12-2II |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 03: Exercise 12-5I |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 03: Exercise 12-5II |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 04: Exercise 13-1A |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 04: Exercise 13-1B |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 04: Exercise 13-2IA |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 04: Exercise 13-2IV |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 04: Exercise 13-4(I) |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 04: Exercise 13-4II |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 04: Exercise 13_ex1 |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-1(1) |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-1(2)a |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-1(3)a |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-1(3)e |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-1(3)g |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-2(I) |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-2(II) |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-2(III) |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 06: Exercise 15-1a2 |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 06: Exercise 15-1c |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 06: Exercise 15-3a |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 06: Exercise 15-3c |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 07: Exercise 16-1A |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 07: Exercise 16-1D |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 07: Exercise 16-2IIA |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 07: Exercise 16-3A |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 07: Exercise 16-3E |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 07: Exercise 16-3H |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 08: Exercise 17-1IIb |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 08: Exercise 17-2I |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 08: Exercise 17-2III |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 08: Exercise 17-4II |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 08: Exercise 17-4IV |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 09: Exercise 19-3I |
Peter von Buelow
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Week 01/02a: Design of Wood Beams |
Peter von Buelow
Week 01/02b: Design of Wood Beams |
Peter von Buelow
Week 01/02c: Engineered Wood Products |
Peter von Buelow
Week 02/03a: Columns |
Peter von Buelow
Week 02/03b: Columns |
Peter von Buelow
Week 03/04a: Combined Materials |
Peter von Buelow
Week 03/04b: Flitched Beams |
Peter von Buelow
Week 04/05a: Reinforced Concrete - Working Stress |
Peter von Buelow
Week 04/05b: Reinforced Concrete - Working Stress |
Peter von Buelow
Week 04/05c: Reinforced Concrete - Working Stress |
Peter von Buelow
Week 06a: Steel Beams |
Peter von Buelow
Week 06b: Composite Sections |
Peter von Buelow
Week 07/08a: Reinforced Concrete - Ultimate Strength |
Peter von Buelow
Week 07/08b: Reinforced Concrete - Ultimate Strength |
Peter von Buelow
Week 07/08c: Reinforced Concrete - Ultimate Strength |
Peter von Buelow
Week 07/08d: Reinforced Concrete - Ultimate Strength |
Peter von Buelow
Week 08/09/10a: Deflection of Beams |
Peter von Buelow
Week 08/09/10b: Deflection of Beams |
Peter von Buelow
Week 10/11a: Structural Continuity |
Peter von Buelow
Week 10/11b: Structural Continuity |
Peter von Buelow
Week 12a: Combined Stress |
Peter von Buelow
Week 12b: Combined Stress |
Peter von Buelow
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Course/Resource Archive in Institutional Repository (February 2010) |
Peter von Buelow
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Final Student Project: Tower Crash |
Peter von Buelow

Image adapted from Gregor_y under a Creative Commons license: BY-SA.
Jump to:
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Unit 01: Exercise 11-2 |
Peter von Buelow
Week 01/02a: Design of Wood Beams |
Peter von Buelow
Week 01/02b: Design of Wood Beams |
Peter von Buelow
Week 01/02c: Engineered Wood Products |
Peter von Buelow
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Unit 02: Exercise 18-1AD |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 02: Exercise 18-1EH |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 02: Exercise 18-1II |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 02: Exercise 18-2II |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 02: Exercise 18-3 |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 02: Exercise 18-3III |
Peter von Buelow
Week 02/03a: Columns |
Peter von Buelow
Week 02/03b: Columns |
Peter von Buelow
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Unit 03: Exercise 12-2I |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 03: Exercise 12-2II |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 03: Exercise 12-5I |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 03: Exercise 12-5II |
Peter von Buelow
Week 03/04a: Combined Materials |
Peter von Buelow
Week 03/04b: Flitched Beams |
Peter von Buelow
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Unit 04: Exercise 13-1A |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 04: Exercise 13-1B |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 04: Exercise 13-2IA |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 04: Exercise 13-2IV |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 04: Exercise 13-4(I) |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 04: Exercise 13-4II |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 04: Exercise 13_ex1 |
Peter von Buelow
Week 04/05a: Reinforced Concrete - Working Stress |
Peter von Buelow
Week 04/05b: Reinforced Concrete - Working Stress |
Peter von Buelow
Week 04/05c: Reinforced Concrete - Working Stress |
Peter von Buelow
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Unit 05: Exercise 14-1(1) |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-1(2)a |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-1(3)a |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-1(3)e |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-1(3)g |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-2(I) |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-2(II) |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 05: Exercise 14-2(III) |
Peter von Buelow
Week 06a: Steel Beams |
Peter von Buelow
Week 06b: Composite Sections |
Peter von Buelow
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Unit 06: Exercise 15-1a2 |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 06: Exercise 15-1c |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 06: Exercise 15-3a |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 06: Exercise 15-3c |
Peter von Buelow
Week 07/08a: Reinforced Concrete - Ultimate Strength |
Peter von Buelow
Week 07/08b: Reinforced Concrete - Ultimate Strength |
Peter von Buelow
Week 07/08c: Reinforced Concrete - Ultimate Strength |
Peter von Buelow
Week 07/08d: Reinforced Concrete - Ultimate Strength |
Peter von Buelow
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Unit 07: Exercise 16-1A |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 07: Exercise 16-1D |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 07: Exercise 16-2IIA |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 07: Exercise 16-3A |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 07: Exercise 16-3E |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 07: Exercise 16-3H |
Peter von Buelow
Week 08/09/10a: Deflection of Beams |
Peter von Buelow
Week 08/09/10b: Deflection of Beams |
Peter von Buelow
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Unit 08: Exercise 17-1IIb |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 08: Exercise 17-2I |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 08: Exercise 17-2III |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 08: Exercise 17-4II |
Peter von Buelow
Unit 08: Exercise 17-4IV |
Peter von Buelow
Week 10/11a: Structural Continuity |
Peter von Buelow
Week 10/11b: Structural Continuity |
Peter von Buelow
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Unit 09: Exercise 19-3I |
Peter von Buelow
Week 12a: Combined Stress |
Peter von Buelow
Week 12b: Combined Stress |
Peter von Buelow