This self-paced online module shows the parts of a standard Hanau articulator, teaches students how to reset it to zero in preparation for mounting casts, and allows students to zero a virtual Hanau articulator. This Flash-based module is an excellent preparation for learning this basic laboratory instrument before beginning laboratory and/or clinical work.
Instructional Designer: Emily Springfield
NLM Citation: Springfield E , Moeller M, Hanau Articulator Training: Zeroing the Articulator. MedEdPORTAL; 2010. Available from:
Articulator Simulation Instructors’ Guide
Resource files
Essential files to run the tutorial/simulation:
- Articulator.html – HTML page that holds the demonstration. Upload this to your web server and direct people to this page to view the demo.
- Articulator.swf – SWF (Flash player) file, compiled from articulator.fla. This is the main file of the demonstration. No changes can be made to it; instead, make changes to articulator.fla and re-publish the swf file.
- MojaveExternalAll.swf – the controls for the video (play, pause, volume, etc.) This file is generated by Flash automatically when the swf is compiled.
- Zeroing420.swf – This is the video file that actually plays.
Included as resource files:
- Articulator.fla – Flash CS3 file with all editable source code. You only need this file if you want to change the demo or use it as the basis for creating a new demo.
- Zeroing420.fla –You will never edit this file; however, if you want to create your own video, this file serves as a model for how to create your video in Flash and then publish the .swf file from it.
- Zeroing420.flv - The source file for the video.
Explanation of When, How, and the Order in which to use each Resource File
Direct users to http://www.dent.umich.edu/media/academic-resources/modules/articulator/a...http://www.dent.umich.edu/media/academic-resources/modules/articulator/articulator.html or to the corresponding articulator.html file on your server. Users access the entire demo from this page.
The Purpose/Goal of the Resource (including Educational Objectives)
This tutorial and simulation teaches students the following about the standard Hanau articulator used in dental laboratories:
- The names and uses of the parts of the articulator
- How to “zero” the articulator
- Lets students practice zeroing a virtual articulator
Source files are included so others may repurpose the code to their own needs. A competent Flash developer familiar with Actionscript 2.0 will be needed for any re-coding.
The Conceptual Background (Why and How it was Created)
Use of the articulator is a foundational dental laboratory skill. Zeroing (i.e., resetting) the articulator is the first step to successful use. Live demonstrations in class do show students how to zero the articulator, but give students no chance for practice. We frequently observe students trying to use articulators without first zeroing them.
We believe we can improve upon this model by providing the students with the opportunity to practice resetting the articulator on a simulation.
- The simulator would allow students to practice multiple, randomly-generated scenarios.
- The simulator would provide feedback on whether students have achieved the correct settings.
- The simulator could show settings in better detail than the existing video feed, as it is often difficult to see the details on the actual articulator.
Practical Implementation Advice (Materials Needed, Length of Session, Faculty/Facilitator Needs, Preparation Needs, etc.)
The tutorial may be used at the beginning of the first laboratory class to teach zeroing of the articulator. We recommend first showing a physical articulator and explaining what it is for and how students may expect to use articulators in their dental careers, then referring them to the online tutorial. The tutorial takes from 15-30 minutes to use, depending on the student.
What are the Limitations of the Resource and What are your Ideas for Improving/Expanding it (Adding this Self-Reflection Component is Encouraged)
This demo only includes zeroing the articulator. It is for student individual practice, and does not record correct/incorrect performance for the purpose of grading.
Potential improvements include:
- Adding an introductory section on what an articulator is, what it is used for, and why it is important.
- Using the virtual articulator as part of one or more case studies, which would require students to set the articulator to the proper settings for the patient in question.
Learning Objectives
Use of the articulator is a foundational dental laboratory skill. Zeroing (i.e., resetting) the articulator is the first step to successful use. Live demonstrations in class do show students how to zero the articulator, but give students no chance for practice. We frequently observe students trying to use articulators without first zeroing them. This tutorial and simulation teaches students the following about the standard Hanau articulator used in dental laboratories:
- The names and uses of the parts of the articulator
- How to “zero” the articulator
- Lets students practice zeroing a virtual articulator

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Flash Files for Hanau Articulator |
Emily Springfield