Physics 140 offers introduction to mechanics, the physics of motion. Topics include: linear motion, vectors, projectiles, relative velocity and acceleration, Newton's laws, particle dynamics, work and energy, linear momentum, torque, angular momentum, gravitation, planetary motion, fluid statics and dynamics, simple harmonic motion, waves and sound.
Instructor: August Evrard
dScribes: Brandon Smith
Course Level: Undergraduate
1. What is Physics?
2. Basic Kinematics
3. Motion in Two Dimensions, Projectile Motion
4. Relative Motion, Circular Motion
5. Newton’s Laws of Motion (I + II), Dynamics: Force and Acceleration
6. Newton’s Laws of Motion, Newton’s Third Law: Action-Reaction Pairs
7. Friction, Circular Motion Dynamics
8. Work, Kinetic Energy
-. Midterm Exam Review #1
9. Power
10. Potential Energy, Mechanical Energy
11. Energy Conservation, Force from the Derivative of Potential Energy
12. Momentum, Impulse, Collisions in One Dimension
13. Elastic and Inelastic Encounters, Collisions in Two Dimensions
14. Center of Mass, Rockets
15. Rotational Kinematics, Rotational Kinetic Energy, Moment of Inertia
16. Moment of Inertia: Parallel Axis Theorem, Torque,
Newton’s Second Law of Rotation
17. Rolling Dynamics, Mechanical Energy of Rolling
-. Midterm Exam Review #2
18. Angular Momentum; Conservation Of Angular Momentum; Precession (Gyroscopic Motion)
19. Static Equilibrium, Stress and Strain
20. Newton’s Law Of Gravitation; Gravitational Potential Energy; Orbital Mechanical Energy; Escape Velocity, Circular Velocity; Shell Theorem
21. Keppler's Laws
22. Restoring Forces Produce Oscillations; Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM); Damped Harmonic Motion; Natural Frequency, Driven Oscillations And Resonance
23. Mass Density; Hydrostatic Pressure; Pascal’s Principle And (Hydraulics); Archimedes Principle (Floating)
24. Ideal Fluid Dynamics; Volume Flow Rate (Incompressible Fluids); Bernoulli’s Equation
-. Midterm Exam Review #3
25. Mechanical Waves (Transverse, Longitudinal); Wave Speed (Taut String); Wave Superposition (Addition); Standing Waves, Nodes, Anti-Nodes
26. Sound Waves; Speed Of Sound; Sound Intensity, Decibel Scale; Standing Waves, Harmonics; Interference, Beats; Doppler Effect
-. Final Exam Review
About the Creators

Gus Evrard
Gus Evrard is a Professor in the Department of Physics who specializes in Astrophysics Theory. Professor Evrard studies phenomenological problems in cosmology. As a computational cosmologist, he uses numerical methods to model the formation and evolution of large-scale cosmic structure. Universes are realized in silico using algorithms that solve the time evolution of the coupled astrophysical processes that drive the development of dark and visible matter components within large random spatial volumes. These virtual worlds are created within the framework of a particular underlying cosmology. Mock telescopic observations of galaxies and clusters of galaxies contained within this virtual environment afford the means for direct comparison to data from real-world observatories. Such comparative studies address questions ranging from the fundamental (What are the energy and matter components that dominate our universe?) to the detailed (How much material is lost by a typical galaxy over its lifetime?). Prof. Evrard was a recipient of a 2012 Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize. more...
- B.S. University of Pennsylvania 1981
- Ph.D. The State University of New York, Stony Brook 1986
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Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Exam Review 1 |
Gus Evrard
Exam Review 2 |
Gus Evrard
Exam Review 3 |
Gus Evrard
Final Exam Review |
Gus Evrard
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Physics 140 Learning Objects |
Anbo Chen
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Lecture 01: What is Physics? |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 02: Basic Kinematics |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 03: Motion in Two Dimensions, Projectile Motion |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 04: Relative Motion, Circular Motion |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 05: Newton’s Laws of Motion (I + II), Dynamics: Force and Acceleration |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 06: Newton’s Laws of Motion, Newton’s Third Law: Action-Reaction Pairs |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 07: Friction, Circular Motion Dynamics |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 08: Work, Kinetic Energy |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 09: Power |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 10: Potential Energy, Mechanical Energy |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 11: Energy Conservation, Force from the Derivative of Potential Energy |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 12: Momentum, Impulse, Collisions in One Dimension |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 13: Elastic and Inelastic Encounters, Collisions in Two Dimensions |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 14: Center of Mass, Rockets |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 15: Rotational Kinematics, Rotational Kinetic Energy, Moment of Inertia |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 16: Moment of Inertia: Parallel Axis Theorem, Torque, Newton’s Second Law of Rotation |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 17: Rolling Dynamics, Mechanical Energy of Rolling |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 18: Angular Momentum; Conservation Of Angular Momentum; Precession (Gyroscopic Motion) |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 19: Static Equilibrium, Stress and Strain |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 20: Newton’s Law Of Gravitation; Gravitational Potential Energy; Orbital Mechanical Energy; Escape Velocity, Circular Velocity; Shell Theorem |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 21: Kepler's Laws |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 22: Restoring Forces Produce Oscillations; Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM); Damped Harmonic Motion; Natural Frequency, Driven Oscillations And Resonance |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 23: Mass Density; Hydrostatic Pressure; Pascal’s Principle And (Hydraulics); Archimedes Principle (Floating) |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 24: Ideal Fluid Dynamics; Volume Flow Rate (Incompressible Fluids); Bernoulli’s Equation |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 25: Mechanical Waves (Transverse, Longitudinal); Wave Speed (Taut String); Wave Superposition (Addition); Standing Waves, Nodes, Anti-Nodes |
Gus Evrard
Lecture 26: Sound Waves; Speed Of Sound; Sound Intensity, Decibel Scale; Standing Waves, Harmonics; Interference, Beats; Doppler Effect |
Gus Evrard