Image CC BY NC SA Jason Jones, from Flickr.
Fast Start is a two-week intensive program for high school students in Liberia designed to spark interest in careers in engineering in agriculture. The course, which includes five regional camps of 80 students each, is modeled after the M-STEM program at University of Michigan. All students participate in academic courses in Math, Physics, Botany, and English, a life skills course focused on professional development and community building, and a computer lab. Additionally, there are hands-on labs for engineering and agriculture.
Fast Start is part of the USAID-funded Excellence in Higher Education for Liberian Development project (EHELD).
Participating Institutions: RTI International (lead contractor for project), University of Michigan (lead for Fast Start course), Cuttington University, University of Liberia, Rutgers University, North Carolina State University.
Staff: See About the Creators section below.
Acknowledgements: This publication is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Excellence in Higher Education for Liberian Development (EHELD) project, USAID Agreement Number 669-A-00-11-00035
About the Creators
*Affiliated with University of Michigan, unless otherwise noted.
Course Instructors
- Jose Alfaro
- Brieland Jones
- Mim Jones
- David Johnson
- Sibu Kuruvilla
- Alberto Lozano
- Aisha Moinuddin
- Sarah Scott
- Ryan Smith
- Brian Wybrecht
Other Contributors
- Sara Rimer
- Bonnie Shirley
- Emily Zimmerman
- Lindy Alfaro
- Lauren Stadler
Authors of Course Manual
Engineering and Agriculture
- Sahitya Reddivari
- Sibu Kuruvilla
Exploratory Lab
- Brieland Jones
- Mim Jones
- David R. Johnson
- Brian Wybrecht
- Alberto Lozano
Hands-On Lab
- Jose Alfaro
- Sibu Kuruvilla
Life Skills
- Aisha Moinuddin
- Sarah Scott
- Sarah Scott
- David R. Johnson
- Ryan Smith
Formatting of Document
- Lorien Hou
- Kathleen Omollo
Learning Objectives
The Fast Start program includes the following course topics:
- Engineering and Agriculture
- Exploratory Lab
- Computer Lab
- Hands-On Lab
- Life Skills
- English
- Math
Learning objectives, by course, are included below.
Engineering and Agriculture
To expose the students to the fields of engineering and agriculture, in order to convey the importance and interdependence of these fields and to initiate excitement about them. This will be done through several hands-on demonstrations, lectures, and real-life examples/problems. In-class discussions will allow the students to communicate their ideas and practice their presentation skills.
- Lesson 1: Introduction to Engineering
- Lesson 2: Introduction to Agriculture
- Lesson 3: Disciplines in Engineering
- Lesson 4: Disciplines in Agriculture
- Lesson 5: Interdependency of Engineering and Agriculture
- Lesson 6: Resources, Economics and Feasibility
- Lesson 7: Case Studies
- Lesson 8: Hands-on Exhibition
Exploratory Lab
To give students opportunities to learn about topics in food, water, and energy in light of agriculture and engineering through lessons, demonstrations, experiments, and group activities.
- Lesson 1: Exploratory Lab - Introduction to Agriculture & Engineering
- Understand how to apply agricultural and engineering strategies to real-world situations through hands-on activities.
- Lesson 2: Millennium Development Goals
- Understand the relevant systems (food, water and energy) in regards to agriculture and engineering, and how to apply them to real-world situations
- Understand the origins of, and reasons for, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
- Be able to describe the Millennium Development Goals in their own words
- Introduce the MDGs as a means of exploring concepts of development & sustainability
- Understand the context for the MDGs & become familiar with the eight goals
- Examine goal in more detail and make explicit the local-global connection
- Lesson 3: Food (Plants, Animals & Agriculture)
- Be able to define the term “sustainable”
- Distinguish between the goals and the practices used to achieve the goals of sustainable agriculture and food systems
- Demonstrate awareness of economic, environmental, and community impacts of agriculture.
- Understand the steps in the food system between the farm and their plates and the global nature of the food system
- Identify that machines can be used to make work progress more easily and quickly
- Introduce the idea that some things that are considered waste can be used for alternate purposes
- Lesson 4: Water (Collection - Rain & Ground)
- Understand the water cycle and how water can evaporate
- Understand how this water evaporation can be collected as a water source
- Explain how water can become a source of energy
- Illustrate how water is stored in an aquifer
- Show how groundwater can become contaminated, and how this contamination ends up in the drinking water well
- Understand how what happens above the ground can potentially end up in the drinking water below the ground
- Lesson 5: Water Distribution (Purification & Irrigation)
- Understand the process of condensation and evaporation in the purification of water
- Understand how and why solar energy can also be used to purify water
- Understand and develop effective water distribution strategies
- Explore civil engineering, engineering design, planning, construction, teamwork, and working in groups.
- Operationally define irrigation, while observing and classifying irrigation systems.
- Infer the need for irrigation systems & describe the different types.
- Construct a model and identify the model by observing the characteristics
- Lesson 6: Energy (Solar)
- Review the basic needs for alternative energy sources.
- Identify at least 3 different materials that will produce maximum heat.
- Identify at least 3 different colors that will produce maximum heat.
- Solve a design problem for a solar hot box.
- Lesson 7: Energy (Wind & Hydro)
- Analyze the importance of energy and how we use energy in our daily lives
- Describe difference between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy
- Lesson 8: Energy (Biogas)
- Analyze the importance of energy and how they use energy in their lives
- Describe the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy
- Experiment with creating and capturing biogas
Computer Lab
To introduce students to the use of computers and computer’s ability to simplify tasks of importance to engineers and agriculturalists.
- Lesson 1: Introduction to Computers
- Become familiarize with computers and their uses.
- Understand the following concepts: Internet, Networks, Input Devices, Hardware, Vacuum Tubes, Transistors, Microprocessor, CPU, Software, Operating System, File System, Programs and Programming, Windows, File, Properties.
- Lesson 2: Explore office programs
- Learn how to use basic but important Microsoft Office or Open Office software.
- Understand the following concepts: Menu Bar, Commands, Formatting, Plot, Formulas, Template, Animation.
- Lesson 3: Typing tutor and Google SketchUp
- Learn basic typewriting skills and drawing skills.
- Understand the following concepts: Typing, Typewriting, Sketch, Sketching, Draw, Drawing, Software, Lines, Contour.
- Lesson 4 – Internet and introduction to programming.
- Learn basic concepts about the Internet and programming.
- Understand the following concepts: Internet, Intranet, Program, Programming, Search Engine, Web Page, Communication Systems
Hands-On Lab
Introduce students to the design process and allow them to practice basic science and math concepts through a Tractor Pull Competition.
- Lesson 1: Introduction to Important Concepts
- To become familiar with the concepts of Force, Free Body Diagram, Work, Friction, Simple Machines, and Mechanical Advantage.
- Lesson 2: Brainstorming and Design
- To define brainstorming as a concept, understand why brainstorming is valuable, and explore techniques and rules for brainstorming.
- Lesson 3: Material Presentation and Competition Rules and Building Time
- To allow the students to understand the materials they will be working with and their options for their use.
- To present the rules for the Tractor Pull Competition and the use of building equipment and materials.
- Lesson 4: Building Time
- To allow students time to ask questions of the instructors about their design and receive help with the building process.
Life Skills
- Lesson 1: The Importance of Teamwork
- Students will continue to develop – here more intentionally – their skills as colleagues and classmates working together towards a common goal.
- Lesson 2: The Importance of College and the Application Process
- Students will understand why and how a college education is important to obtain. They will review the admissions requirements of a few Liberian colleges, as well as practice filling out a college application.
- Lesson 3: General Placement Tests
- Students will gain understanding about placement and standardized tests, including what they mean, how they are structured, and why they are important. They will also learn practical tips for successfully completing a standardized test. Finally, students will be given the opportunity to put those tips to use in a short, mock exam.
- Lesson 4: Managing Time, Study Skills and Relationships in College
- Students will learn and share time management, study skills and relationship maintenance while in college.
- Lesson 5: Intelligence, Aptitudes, Interests and Personalities
- Students will learn how to begin to assess their learning preferences, personal traits and qualities and how to take stock of their personal inventory/resources and career possibilities.
- Lesson 6: Relationships: Effective Communication and Fostering Valuable Connections
- Students will practice listening and speaking in scenarios for one-on-one and small group conversations, with a focus the importance of phrasing and attitude.
- Lessons 7 and 8: Public Speaking
- Students will learn how to deliver confident presentations and communicate effectively in front of large groups.
- Lesson 9: Effective Writing Skills: A Guide and Examples
- Students learn how to convey their ideas, analyze what they read and hear, and present their thoughts in writing.
- Lesson 10: Putting it All Together
- Students will evaluate what they have learned throughout this course through a well- written essay. They will then participate in activities designed to reinforce team work and community building.
- Lesson 1: Introducing a Classmate
- Students will practice listening and presentation skills by introducing one of their peers to the class
- Lesson 2: Giving Expression to Your Original Thoughts
- Students will choose an object to write about creatively and originally. This will enable them to continue to develop their skills in bringing forth original, imaginative, and innovative ideas. The goal is to get students thinking, writing, and dialoguing creatively and critically.
- Lesson 3: Reading Articles
- Students will practice reading comprehension.
- Lesson 4: Letter Writing
- Students will learn about different styles of speaking and writing that appropriate for various situations and contexts.
- Lesson 5: Data Collection and Write-Up
- Students will learn to collaboratively collect data and write a short report concerning the data.
- Lesson 6: Problem Solving and Experimental Solutions
- Students will brainstorm difficulties within their country, village, school or family and develop a solution to help solve this problem.
- Lesson 7: Reading Comprehension
- Students will practice reading comprehension.
- Lesson 8: The Lady, or the Tiger?
- Students will listen to the beginning of a story and develop their own ideas about the ending.
- Day 1
- Why Math?
- What are equations?
- The “Language” of math
- Day 2
- Basic Algebra practice
- Day 3
- More algebra practice
- Factoring
- The quadratic equation
- Day 4
- Analytical: Turning words into pictures and equations
- Day 5
- Graphing Equations
- The x-y plane
- Graphing lines
- Making data tables
- Day 6
- Geometry
- Angles
- Basics of shapes
- Right Triangles
- The Pythagorean Theorem
- 3D shapes
- Volume
- Day 7
- Trigonometry: It’s all about Right Triangles!
- Sine, Cosine, and Tangent
- Day 8
- More trigonometry
- More SOHCAHTOA practice
- The Unit Circle
- Days 9 and 10
- Group Work

Image CC BY NC SA Jason Jones, from Flickr.
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Engineering and Agriculture: Engineering Disciplines Flashcards Worksheet |
American Society for Engineering Education
English: Classic Lateral Thinking Exercises |
English: Lateral Thinking |
English: Lateral Thinking Puzzles |
English: Mendelian Traits in Humans |
The Regents of the University of California
Exploratory Lab: Biogas As A Source Of Energy |
Heifer International
Exploratory Lab: Farming Simulation Game |
Irish Aid
Exploratory Lab: Groundwater Word Search |
The Groundwater Foundation
Exploratory Lab: Hydro Power Activity |
National Energy Education Development
Exploratory Lab: Matching facts to MDGs in Integrated Literacy Activities |
Irish Aid
Exploratory Lab: Water Crossword Puzzle |
The Groundwater Foundation
Life Skills: Atomic Mass from Atomic Abundance Example, About.com |
Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D
Life Skills: Mapping a Career Path: Know Your Aptitude, Interests, Values & Personality - Four Domains of Career Assessment |
The Learning Seed
Life Skills: Mechanics, Momentum and Collisions |
The Physics Classroom
Life Skills: Multiple Intellegence Test |
Tangient LLC
Life Skills: Rubric for Public Speaking |
Tusculum College
Life Skills: Steps of Balancing a Chemical Equation, About.com |
Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D
Life Skills: WAEC Practice Exam |
West African Examinations Council
Math: Free Mathematics Tutorials, Problems and Worksheets (with applets), 2003-2013 |
Abdelkader Dendane
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Agriculture, General: List of Open Educational Resource |
Kathleen Omollo
Agriculture, Rice Production: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Alternative Energy: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Computers, An Introduction: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Computers, Open Office Suite: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Engineering Graphics: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Engineering Labs: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Engineering: List of Open Textbooks |
Kathleen Omollo
English as a Second Language: List of Free Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Hydroponics and Aquaponics: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Irrigation Systems: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Life Skills, List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Math: List of Free Educational Games |
Kathleen Omollo
Math: List of Open Educational Resources (see other list for textbooks) |
Kathleen Omollo
Math: List of Open Textbooks |
Kathleen Omollo
Oil Press: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Technical Writing: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Computer Lab: Tutorials for Open Office |
Engineering and Agriculture: How to Make a Marine Ecosphere |
Engineering and Agriculture: Non-Newtonian Fluid Demo at Home, Lumpy Liquids and Squishy Solids |
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri
Exploratory Lab: Build Your Own Aquifer |
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Exploratory Lab: Composting Lesson Plan |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Exploratory Lab: Design Your Own Irrigation System |
Exploratory Lab: Ethnobotany |
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension
Exploratory Lab: Make a Mini Water Cycle |
The Water Project
Exploratory Lab: Solar Experiment, Idaho National Laboratory |
Justin Taylor
Exploratory Lab: Solar Oven Experiment |
Mrs. Adams
Exploratory Lab: Water Purification Experiment |
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
2012: Fast and Summer Start Staff Blog |
Fast Start 2012 Staff
Summer Start 2012 Staff
2012: Welcome Speech for Fast Start Camp in Zorzor, Liberia |
Sibu Kuruvilla
Computer Lab: How Computers Work - Journey Into The Walk-Through Computer, 1990 |
Computer History Museum
Computer Lab: When Computers Changed the World from the Revolution Exhibition, 2011 |
Computer History Museum
Engineering and Agriculture: Agriculture, It's All About You! (Video) |
California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom
Exploratory Lab: Millennium Development Goals 2010 Report: Progress, Prospects and Challenges towards Achieving the MDGs |
Government of Liberia
Exploratory Lab: The Science of Ethnobotany with Dr. Paul Cox |
Hands On Lab: Model Tractor, 2012 |
Sibu Kuruvilla
Hands On Lab: Testing the Water Wheel, 2012 |
Sibu Kuruvilla
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Exploratory Lab: Millennium Development Goals Posters |
Oxfam International
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
2012: Fast Start Schedule |
Fast Start 2012 Staff
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Computer Lab: History of Computers, 2002 |
John Kopplin
Computer Lab: Introduction to Computer Local Area Network (LAN) |
Computer Lab: Liberians hope long wait for the web is finally over, PRI's The World |
Bonnie Allen
Rob Hugh-Jones
Computer Lab: Mr. Peralta's Media Lab |
Nathan Peralta
Computer Lab: Open Office Writer User Guide, 2006 |
Computer Lab: Reap the Benefits of Good Typing Skills, Tech Media Network |
Courtnie Packer
Computer Lab: The History of the Internet in a Nutshell, Six Revisions |
Cameron Chapman
Computer Lab: The Importance of Daily Typing Practice |
Burt Cotton
Computer Lab: Why is better typing productive for business and employees? |
Typing Institute of America
Engineering and Agriculture: Description of Food Chain, Geography for Kids |
Andrew Rader Studios
Engineering and Agriculture: What is Agriculture |
Engineering and Agriculture: What is Engineering |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
English: Dynamic Soil |
American Chemical Society
English: Erosion—Soil on the Move |
American Chemical Society
English: Formal and Informal English |
Business Language Services
English: Green grass, Green beans, Green thumb, but Green chemistry |
American Chemical Society
English: How to use the Random Word technique |
Infinite Innovations Ltd
English: Liberian English |
The Reed Family
English: Milli Recycles & You Can, Too |
American Chemical Society
English: The First Airplane |
American Chemical Society
English: The Lady, or the Tiger? |
Frank R. Stockton
English: Washing Water |
American Chemical Society
English: Winter In Songming |
Heifer International
English: Writing skills - formal and informal writing, Macmillan Publishers Ltd |
Jackie McAvoy
Exploratory Lab: Aquaculture |
Clear Springs Food
Exploratory Lab: Ethnobotany - Medicines that Changed the World |
Stephen R. King
Exploratory Lab: Millennium Development Goals Overview |
United Nations Development Program
Exploratory Lab: Renewable Energy Activities – Choices for Tomorrow - Hydroelectric |
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Exploratory Lab: Soil Basics, Discovery Education |
Lindsay DeHartchuck
Exploratory Lab: The Different Irrigation Systems and Their Uses |
Colorado River Water Conservation District
Exploratory Lab: The Dirt on Soil |
Discovery Education
Exploratory Lab: Three Pillars of Sustainability |
Yada Drop LLC
Exploratory Lab: Types of Soil |
Exploratory Lab: Water Power Program |
U.S. Department of Energy
Hands On Lab: Benefits of Brainstorming |
Infinite Innovations Ltd.
Hands On Lab: Rules of Brainstorming |
Infinite Innovations Ltd.
Life Skills: 10 Tips for Public Speaking |
Toastmasters International
Life Skills: Communication Skills |
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Life Skills: Eight Things to do to Practice Better Communication |
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Life Skills: Gestures, Get Moving |
Toastmasters International
Life Skills: High School Study Skills |
Study Skills for All Ages
Life Skills: How to Write a Speech |
Teach like a Peace Corps Volunteer
Life Skills: Study Skills Activities |
Study Skills for All Ages
Life Skills: Study Skills For College That You Want To Have |
Study Skills for All Ages
Life Skills: The Liberia Senior High School Certificate Examination |
West African Examination Council, Liberia
Life Skills: Theory of multiple intelligences |
Life Skills: Time Management for Teens |
Deborah Erbach Burger
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
2012: Fast Start Manual - Student Edition |
Fast Start 2012 Staff
2012: Fast Start Manual - Teacher's Edition |
Fast Start 2012 Staff

Image CC BY NC SA Jason Jones, from Flickr.
Jump to:
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Computer Lab: History of Computers, 2002 |
John Kopplin
Computer Lab: How Computers Work - Journey Into The Walk-Through Computer, 1990 |
Computer History Museum
Computer Lab: Introduction to Computer Local Area Network (LAN) |
Computer Lab: Liberians hope long wait for the web is finally over, PRI's The World |
Bonnie Allen
Rob Hugh-Jones
Computer Lab: Mr. Peralta's Media Lab |
Nathan Peralta
Computer Lab: Open Office Writer User Guide, 2006 |
Computer Lab: Reap the Benefits of Good Typing Skills, Tech Media Network |
Courtnie Packer
Computer Lab: The History of the Internet in a Nutshell, Six Revisions |
Cameron Chapman
Computer Lab: The Importance of Daily Typing Practice |
Burt Cotton
Computer Lab: Tutorials for Open Office |
Computer Lab: When Computers Changed the World from the Revolution Exhibition, 2011 |
Computer History Museum
Computer Lab: Why is better typing productive for business and employees? |
Typing Institute of America
Computers, An Introduction: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Computers, Open Office Suite: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
2012: Fast Start Manual - Student Edition |
Fast Start 2012 Staff
2012: Fast Start Manual - Teacher's Edition |
Fast Start 2012 Staff
2012: Fast Start Schedule |
Fast Start 2012 Staff
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Agriculture, General: List of Open Educational Resource |
Kathleen Omollo
Agriculture, Rice Production: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Engineering and Agriculture: Agriculture, It's All About You! (Video) |
California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom
Engineering and Agriculture: Description of Food Chain, Geography for Kids |
Andrew Rader Studios
Engineering and Agriculture: Engineering Disciplines Flashcards Worksheet |
American Society for Engineering Education
Engineering and Agriculture: How to Make a Marine Ecosphere |
Engineering and Agriculture: Non-Newtonian Fluid Demo at Home, Lumpy Liquids and Squishy Solids |
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri
Engineering and Agriculture: What is Agriculture |
Engineering and Agriculture: What is Engineering |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Engineering Graphics: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Engineering Labs: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Engineering: List of Open Textbooks |
Kathleen Omollo
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
English as a Second Language: List of Free Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
English: Classic Lateral Thinking Exercises |
English: Dynamic Soil |
American Chemical Society
English: Erosion—Soil on the Move |
American Chemical Society
English: Formal and Informal English |
Business Language Services
English: Green grass, Green beans, Green thumb, but Green chemistry |
American Chemical Society
English: How to use the Random Word technique |
Infinite Innovations Ltd
English: Lateral Thinking |
English: Lateral Thinking Puzzles |
English: Liberian English |
The Reed Family
English: Mendelian Traits in Humans |
The Regents of the University of California
English: Milli Recycles & You Can, Too |
American Chemical Society
English: The First Airplane |
American Chemical Society
English: The Lady, or the Tiger? |
Frank R. Stockton
English: Washing Water |
American Chemical Society
English: Winter In Songming |
Heifer International
English: Writing skills - formal and informal writing, Macmillan Publishers Ltd |
Jackie McAvoy
Technical Writing: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Alternative Energy: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Exploratory Lab: Aquaculture |
Clear Springs Food
Exploratory Lab: Biogas As A Source Of Energy |
Heifer International
Exploratory Lab: Build Your Own Aquifer |
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Exploratory Lab: Composting Lesson Plan |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Exploratory Lab: Design Your Own Irrigation System |
Exploratory Lab: Ethnobotany |
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension
Exploratory Lab: Ethnobotany - Medicines that Changed the World |
Stephen R. King
Exploratory Lab: Farming Simulation Game |
Irish Aid
Exploratory Lab: Groundwater Word Search |
The Groundwater Foundation
Exploratory Lab: Hydro Power Activity |
National Energy Education Development
Exploratory Lab: Make a Mini Water Cycle |
The Water Project
Exploratory Lab: Matching facts to MDGs in Integrated Literacy Activities |
Irish Aid
Exploratory Lab: Millennium Development Goals 2010 Report: Progress, Prospects and Challenges towards Achieving the MDGs |
Government of Liberia
Exploratory Lab: Millennium Development Goals Overview |
United Nations Development Program
Exploratory Lab: Millennium Development Goals Posters |
Oxfam International
Exploratory Lab: Renewable Energy Activities – Choices for Tomorrow - Hydroelectric |
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Exploratory Lab: Soil Basics, Discovery Education |
Lindsay DeHartchuck
Exploratory Lab: Solar Experiment, Idaho National Laboratory |
Justin Taylor
Exploratory Lab: Solar Oven Experiment |
Mrs. Adams
Exploratory Lab: The Different Irrigation Systems and Their Uses |
Colorado River Water Conservation District
Exploratory Lab: The Dirt on Soil |
Discovery Education
Exploratory Lab: The Science of Ethnobotany with Dr. Paul Cox |
Exploratory Lab: Three Pillars of Sustainability |
Yada Drop LLC
Exploratory Lab: Types of Soil |
Exploratory Lab: Water Crossword Puzzle |
The Groundwater Foundation
Exploratory Lab: Water Power Program |
U.S. Department of Energy
Exploratory Lab: Water Purification Experiment |
Hydroponics and Aquaponics: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Irrigation Systems: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Oil Press: List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Hands On Lab: Benefits of Brainstorming |
Infinite Innovations Ltd.
Hands On Lab: Model Tractor, 2012 |
Sibu Kuruvilla
Hands On Lab: Rules of Brainstorming |
Infinite Innovations Ltd.
Hands On Lab: Testing the Water Wheel, 2012 |
Sibu Kuruvilla
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Life Skills, List of Open Educational Resources |
Kathleen Omollo
Life Skills: 10 Tips for Public Speaking |
Toastmasters International
Life Skills: Atomic Mass from Atomic Abundance Example, About.com |
Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D
Life Skills: Communication Skills |
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Life Skills: Eight Things to do to Practice Better Communication |
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Life Skills: Gestures, Get Moving |
Toastmasters International
Life Skills: High School Study Skills |
Study Skills for All Ages
Life Skills: How to Write a Speech |
Teach like a Peace Corps Volunteer
Life Skills: Mapping a Career Path: Know Your Aptitude, Interests, Values & Personality - Four Domains of Career Assessment |
The Learning Seed
Life Skills: Mechanics, Momentum and Collisions |
The Physics Classroom
Life Skills: Multiple Intellegence Test |
Tangient LLC
Life Skills: Rubric for Public Speaking |
Tusculum College
Life Skills: Steps of Balancing a Chemical Equation, About.com |
Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D
Life Skills: Study Skills Activities |
Study Skills for All Ages
Life Skills: Study Skills For College That You Want To Have |
Study Skills for All Ages
Life Skills: The Liberia Senior High School Certificate Examination |
West African Examination Council, Liberia
Life Skills: Theory of multiple intelligences |
Life Skills: Time Management for Teens |
Deborah Erbach Burger
Life Skills: WAEC Practice Exam |
West African Examinations Council
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Math: Free Mathematics Tutorials, Problems and Worksheets (with applets), 2003-2013 |
Abdelkader Dendane
Math: List of Free Educational Games |
Kathleen Omollo
Math: List of Open Educational Resources (see other list for textbooks) |
Kathleen Omollo
Math: List of Open Textbooks |
Kathleen Omollo