Welcome to Finite Element Methods
The idea for an online version of Finite Element Methods first came a little more than a year ago. Articles about Massively Open Online Classes (MOOCs) had been rocking the academic world (at least gently), and it seemed that your writer had scarcely experimented with teaching methods. Particularly compelling was the fact that there already had been some successes reported with computer programming classes in the online format, especially as MOOCs. Finite Element Methods, with the centrality that computer programming has to the teaching of this topic, seemed an obvious candidate for experimentation in the online format. From there to the video lectures that you are about to view took nearly a year. I first had to take a detour through another subject, Continuum Physics, for which video lectures also are available, and whose recording in this format served as a trial run for the present series of lectures on Finite Element Methods.
Here they are then, about 50 hours of lectures covering the material I normally teach in an introductory graduate class at University of Michigan. The treatment is mathematical, which is natural for a topic whose roots lie deep in functional analysis and variational calculus. It is not formal, however, because the main goal of these lectures is to turn the viewer into a competent developer of finite element code. We do spend time in rudimentary functional analysis, and variational calculus, but this is only to highlight the mathematical basis for the methods, which in turn explains why they work so well. Much of the success of the Finite Element Method as a computational framework lies in the rigor of its mathematical foundation, and this needs to be appreciated, even if only in the elementary manner presented here. A background in PDEs and, more importantly, linear algebra, is assumed, although the viewer will find that we develop all the relevant ideas that are needed.
The development itself focuses on the classical forms of partial differential equations (PDEs): elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic. At each stage, however, we make numerous connections to the physical phenomena represented by the PDEs. For clarity we begin with elliptic PDEs in one dimension (linearized elasticity, steady state heat conduction and mass diffusion). We then move on to three dimensional elliptic PDEs in scalar unknowns (heat conduction and mass diffusion), before ending the treatment of elliptic PDEs with three dimensional problems in vector unknowns (linearized elasticity). Parabolic PDEs in three dimensions come next (unsteady heat conduction and mass diffusion), and the lectures end with hyperbolic PDEs in three dimensions (linear elastodynamics). Interspersed among the lectures are responses to questions that arose from a small group of graduate students and post-doctoral scholars who followed the lectures live. At suitable points in the lectures, we interrupt the mathematical development to lay out the code framework, which is entirely open source, and C++ based.
It is hoped that these lectures on Finite Element Methods will complement the series on Continuum Physics to provide a point of departure from which the seasoned researcher or advanced graduate student can embark on work in (continuum) computational physics.
There are a number of people that I need to thank: Shiva Rudraraju and Greg Teichert for their work on the coding framework, Tim O'Brien for organizing the recordings, Walter Lin and Alex Hancook for their camera work and post-production editing, and Scott Mahler for making the studios available.
Krishna Garikipati
Ann Arbor, December 2013
About the Creators

Krishna Garikipati
Dr. Garikipati's work draws from nonlinear mechanics, materials physics, applied mathematics and numerical methods. He's particularly interested in problems of mathematical biology, biophysics and the materials physics. Current research interests include: (1) mathematical and physical modelling of tumor growth, (2) cell mechanics (3) chemo-mechanically driven phenomena in materials, such as phase transformations and stress-influenced mass transport. more...

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Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
03.08ct. Coding Assignment 01 |
Krishna Garikipati
03.08ct. Coding Assignment 01 Template |
Krishna Garikipati
08.02ct. Coding Assignment 02 |
Krishna Garikipati
08.02ct. Coding Assignment 02 Template |
Krishna Garikipati
10.14ct. 1. Coding Assignment 03 |
Krishna Garikipati
10.14ct. 1. Coding Assignment 03 Template |
Krishna Garikipati
11.09ct. 1. Coding Assignment 04 |
Krishna Garikipati
11.09ct. 1. Coding Assignment 04 Template |
Krishna Garikipati
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
01.01. Introduction. Linear elliptic partial differential equations - I (14:46) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.02. Introduction. Linear elliptic partial differential equations - II (13:01) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.03. Boundary conditions (22:18) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.04. Constitutive relations (20:06) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.05. Strong form of the partial differential equation. Analytic solution (22:44) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.06. Weak form of the partial differential equation - I (12:29) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.07. Weak form of the partial differential equation - II (15:05) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.08. Equivalence between the strong and weak forms - 1 (25:10) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.08ct. 1. Intro to C++ (Running Your Code, Basic Structure, Number Types, Vectors) (21:09) |
Gregory Teichert
01.08ct. 2. Intro to C++ (Conditional Statements, "for" Loops, Scope) (19:27) |
Gregory Teichert
01.08ct. 3. Intro to C++ (Pointers, Iterators) (14:01) |
Gregory Teichert
02.01. The Galerkin, or finite-dimensional weak form (23:14) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.01.Response to a question (7:28) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.02. Basic Hilbert spaces - I (15:51) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.03. Basic Hilbert spaces - II (9:28) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.04. The finite element method for the one-dimensional, linear, elliptic partial differential equation (22:53) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.04.Response to a question (6:21) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.05. Basis functions - I (14:55) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.06. Basis functions - II (14:43) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.07. The bi-unit domain - I (11:43) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.08. The bi-unit domain - II (16:19) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.09. The finite dimensional weak form as a sum over element subdomains - I (16:08) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.10. The finite dimensional weak form as a sum over element subdomains - II (12:24) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.10ct. 1. Intro to C++ (Functions) (13:27) |
Gregory Teichert
02.10ct. 2. Intro to C++ (C++ Classes) (16:43) |
Gregory Teichert
03.01. The matrix-vector weak form - I - I (16:26) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.02. The matrix-vector weak form - I - II (17:44) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.03. The matrix-vector weak form - II - I (15:37) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.04. The matrix-vector weak form - II - II (13:50) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.05. The matrix-vector weak form - III - I (22:31) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.06. The matrix-vector weak form - III - II (13:22) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.06ct. 1. Dealii.org, Running Deal.II on a Virtual Machine with Oracle Virtualbox (12:59) |
Gregory Teichert
03.06ct. 2. Intro to AWS; Using AWS on Windows (24:43) |
Gregory Teichert
03.06ct. 2c. Correction (3:31) |
Gregory Teichert
03.06ct. 3. Using AWS on Linux and Mac OS (7:42) |
Gregory Teichert
03.07. The final finite element equations in matrix-vector form - I (21:02) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.08. The final finite element equations in matrix-vector form - II (18:23) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.08.Response to a question (4:35) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.08ct. Coding Assignment 1 (main1.cc, Overview of C++ Class in FEM1.h) (19:34) |
Gregory Teichert
04.01. The pure Dirichlet problem - I (18:14) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.02. The pure Dirichlet problem - II (17:41) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.03. Higher polynomial order basis functions - I (22:55) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.04. Higher polynomial order basis functions - I - II (16:38) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.05. Higher polynomial order basis functions - II - I (13:38) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.06. Higher polynomial order basis functions - III (23:23) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.06ct. Coding Assignment 1 (Functions: Class Constructor to "basis_gradient") (14:40) |
Gregory Teichert
04.07. The matrix-vector equations for quadratic basis functions - I - I (21:19) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.08. The matrix-vector equations for quadratic basis functions - I - II (11:53) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.09. The matrix-vector equations for quadratic basis functions - II - I (19:09) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.10. The matrix-vector equations for quadratic basis functions - II - II (24:08) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.11. Numerical integration -- Gaussian quadrature (13:57) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.11ct. 1. Coding Assignment 1 (Functions: "generate_mesh" to "setup_system") (14:21) |
Gregory Teichert
04.11ct.2. Coding Assignment 1 (Functions: "assemble_system") (26:58) |
Gregory Teichert
05.01. Norms - I (18:22) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.01ct. 1. Coding Assignment 1 (Functions: "solve" to "I2norm_of_error") (10:57) |
Gregory Teichert
05.01ct. 2. Visualization Tools (7:17) |
Gregory Teichert
05.02. Norms - II (18:21) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.02. Response to a question (5:45) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.03. Consistency of the finite element method (24:27) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.04. The best approximation property (21:32) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.05. Response to a question (3:31) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.05. The Pythagorean Theorem (13:14) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.06. Sobolev estimates and convergence of the finite element method (23:50) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.07. Finite element error estimates (22:07) |
Krishna Garikipati
06.01. Functionals. Free energy - I (17:38) |
Krishna Garikipati
06.02. Functionals. Free energy - II (13:20) |
Krishna Garikipati
06.03. Extremization of functionals (18:30) |
Krishna Garikipati
06.04. Derivation of the weak form using a variational principle (20:09) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.01. The strong form of steady state heat conduction and mass diffusion - I (18:24) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.02. Response to a question (1:27) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.02. The strong form of steady state heat conduction and mass diffusion - II (19:00) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.03. The strong form, continued (19:27) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.04. The weak form (24:33) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.05. The finite-dimensional weak form - I (12:35) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.06. The finite-dimensional weak form - II (15:56) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.07. Three-dimensional hexahedral finite elements (21:30) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.08. Aside: Insight to the basis functions by considering the two-dimensional case (16:43) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.09. Field derivatives. The Jacobian - I (12:38) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.10. Field derivatives. The Jacobian - II (14:20) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.11. The integrals in terms of degrees of freedom (16:25) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.12. The integrals in terms of degrees of freedom - continued (20:55) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.13. The matrix-vector weak form - I (17:19) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.14. The matrix-vector weak form II (11:20) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.15.The matrix-vector weak form, continued - I (17:21) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.16. The matrix-vector weak form, continued - II (16:08) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.17. The matrix vector weak form, continued further - I (17:40) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.18. The matrix-vector weak form, continued further - II (17:18) |
Krishna Garikipati
08.01. Lagrange basis functions in 1 through 3 dimensions - I (18:58) |
Krishna Garikipati
08.02. Lagrange basis functions in 1 through 3 dimensions - II (12:36) |
Krishna Garikipati
08.02ct. Coding Assignment 2 (2D Problem) - I |
Gregory Teichert
08.03. Quadrature rules in 1 through 3 dimensions (17:03) |
Krishna Garikipati
08.03ct. 1. Coding Assignment 2 (2D Problem) - II (13:50) |
Gregory Teichert
08.03ct. 2. Coding Assignment 2 (3D Problem) |
Gregory Teichert
08.04. Triangular and tetrahedral elements - Linears - I (10:25) |
Krishna Garikipati
08.05. Triangular and tetrahedral elements - Linears - II (16:29) |
Krishna Garikipati
09.01. The finite-dimensional weak form and basis functions - I (20:39) |
Krishna Garikipati
09.02. The finite-dimensional weak form and basis functions - II (19:12) |
Krishna Garikipati
09.03. The matrix-vector weak form (19:06) |
Krishna Garikipati
09.04. The matrix-vector weak form - II (9:42) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.01. The strong form of linearized elasticity in three dimensions - I (09:58) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.02. The strong form of linearized elasticity in three dimensions - II (15:44) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.03. The strong form, continued (23:54) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.04. The constitutive relations of linearized elasticity (21:09) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.05. Response to a question (07:55) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.05. The weak form - I (17:37) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.06. The weak form - II (20:23) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.07. The finite-dimensional weak form - Basis functions - I (18:23) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.08. The finite-dimensional weak form - Basis functions - II (10:00) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.09. Element integrals - I (20:45) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.10. Element integrals - II (6:45) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.11. The matrix-vector weak form - I (19:00) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.12. The matrix-vector weak form - II (12:11) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.13. Assembly of the global matrix-vector equations - I (20:40) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.14. Assembly of the global matrix-vector equations - II (9:16) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.14ct. 1. Coding Assignment 3 - I (10:19) |
Gregory Teichert
10.14ct. 2. Coding Assignment 3 - II (19:55) |
Gregory Teichert
10.15. Dirichlet boundary conditions - I (21:23) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.16. Dirichlet boundary conditions - II (13:59) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.01. The strong form (16:29) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.02. The weak form, and finite-dimensional weak form - I (18:44) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.03. The weak form, and finite-dimensional weak form - II (10:15) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.04. Basis functions, and the matrix-vector weak form - I (19:52) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.05. Basis functions, and the matrix-vector weak form - II (12:03) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.05. Response to a question (00:51) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.06. Dirichlet boundary conditions; the final matrix-vector equations (16:57) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.07. Time discretization; the Euler family - I (22:37) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.08. Time discretization; the Euler family - II (9:55) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.09. The v-form and d-form (20:54) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.09ct. 1. Coding Assignment 4 - I (11:10) |
Gregory Teichert
11.09ct. 2. Coding Assignment 4 - II (13:53) |
Gregory Teichert
11.10. Analysis of the integration algorithms for first order, parabolic equations; modal decomposition - I (17:24) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.11. Analysis of the integration algorithms for first order, parabolic equations; modal decomposition - II (12:55) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.12. Modal decomposition and modal equations - I (16:00) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.13. Modal decomposition and modal equations - II (16:01) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.14. Modal equations and stability of the time-exact single degree of freedom systems - I (10:49) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.15. Modal equations and stability of the time-exact single degree of freedom systems - II (17:38) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.16. Stability of the time-discrete single degree of freedom systems (23:25) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.17. Behavior of higher-order modes; consistency - I (18:57) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.18. Behavior of higher-order modes; consistency - II (19:51) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.19. Convergence - I (20:49) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.20. Convergence - II (16:38) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.01. The strong and weak forms (16:37) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.02. The finite-dimensional and matrix-vector weak forms - I (10:37) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.03. The finite-dimensional and matrix-vector weak forms - II (16:00) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.04. The time-discretized equations (23:15) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.05. Stability - I (12:57) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.06. Stability - II (14:35) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.07. Behavior of higher-order modes (19:32) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.08. Convergence (20:54) |
Krishna Garikipati

Jump to:
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
01.01. Introduction. Linear elliptic partial differential equations - I (14:46) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.02. Introduction. Linear elliptic partial differential equations - II (13:01) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.03. Boundary conditions (22:18) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.04. Constitutive relations (20:06) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.05. Strong form of the partial differential equation. Analytic solution (22:44) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.06. Weak form of the partial differential equation - I (12:29) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.07. Weak form of the partial differential equation - II (15:05) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.08. Equivalence between the strong and weak forms - 1 (25:10) |
Krishna Garikipati
01.08ct. 1. Intro to C++ (Running Your Code, Basic Structure, Number Types, Vectors) (21:09) |
Gregory Teichert
01.08ct. 2. Intro to C++ (Conditional Statements, "for" Loops, Scope) (19:27) |
Gregory Teichert
01.08ct. 3. Intro to C++ (Pointers, Iterators) (14:01) |
Gregory Teichert
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
02.01. The Galerkin, or finite-dimensional weak form (23:14) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.01.Response to a question (7:28) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.02. Basic Hilbert spaces - I (15:51) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.03. Basic Hilbert spaces - II (9:28) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.04. The finite element method for the one-dimensional, linear, elliptic partial differential equation (22:53) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.04.Response to a question (6:21) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.05. Basis functions - I (14:55) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.06. Basis functions - II (14:43) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.07. The bi-unit domain - I (11:43) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.08. The bi-unit domain - II (16:19) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.09. The finite dimensional weak form as a sum over element subdomains - I (16:08) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.10. The finite dimensional weak form as a sum over element subdomains - II (12:24) |
Krishna Garikipati
02.10ct. 1. Intro to C++ (Functions) (13:27) |
Gregory Teichert
02.10ct. 2. Intro to C++ (C++ Classes) (16:43) |
Gregory Teichert
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
03.01. The matrix-vector weak form - I - I (16:26) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.02. The matrix-vector weak form - I - II (17:44) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.03. The matrix-vector weak form - II - I (15:37) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.04. The matrix-vector weak form - II - II (13:50) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.05. The matrix-vector weak form - III - I (22:31) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.06. The matrix-vector weak form - III - II (13:22) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.06ct. 1. Dealii.org, Running Deal.II on a Virtual Machine with Oracle Virtualbox (12:59) |
Gregory Teichert
03.06ct. 2. Intro to AWS; Using AWS on Windows (24:43) |
Gregory Teichert
03.06ct. 2c. Correction (3:31) |
Gregory Teichert
03.06ct. 3. Using AWS on Linux and Mac OS (7:42) |
Gregory Teichert
03.07. The final finite element equations in matrix-vector form - I (21:02) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.08. The final finite element equations in matrix-vector form - II (18:23) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.08.Response to a question (4:35) |
Krishna Garikipati
03.08ct. Coding Assignment 01 |
Krishna Garikipati
03.08ct. Coding Assignment 01 Template |
Krishna Garikipati
03.08ct. Coding Assignment 1 (main1.cc, Overview of C++ Class in FEM1.h) (19:34) |
Gregory Teichert
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
04.01. The pure Dirichlet problem - I (18:14) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.02. The pure Dirichlet problem - II (17:41) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.03. Higher polynomial order basis functions - I (22:55) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.04. Higher polynomial order basis functions - I - II (16:38) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.05. Higher polynomial order basis functions - II - I (13:38) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.06. Higher polynomial order basis functions - III (23:23) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.06ct. Coding Assignment 1 (Functions: Class Constructor to "basis_gradient") (14:40) |
Gregory Teichert
04.07. The matrix-vector equations for quadratic basis functions - I - I (21:19) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.08. The matrix-vector equations for quadratic basis functions - I - II (11:53) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.09. The matrix-vector equations for quadratic basis functions - II - I (19:09) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.10. The matrix-vector equations for quadratic basis functions - II - II (24:08) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.11. Numerical integration -- Gaussian quadrature (13:57) |
Krishna Garikipati
04.11ct. 1. Coding Assignment 1 (Functions: "generate_mesh" to "setup_system") (14:21) |
Gregory Teichert
04.11ct.2. Coding Assignment 1 (Functions: "assemble_system") (26:58) |
Gregory Teichert
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
05.01. Norms - I (18:22) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.01ct. 1. Coding Assignment 1 (Functions: "solve" to "I2norm_of_error") (10:57) |
Gregory Teichert
05.01ct. 2. Visualization Tools (7:17) |
Gregory Teichert
05.02. Norms - II (18:21) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.02. Response to a question (5:45) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.03. Consistency of the finite element method (24:27) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.04. The best approximation property (21:32) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.05. Response to a question (3:31) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.05. The Pythagorean Theorem (13:14) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.06. Sobolev estimates and convergence of the finite element method (23:50) |
Krishna Garikipati
05.07. Finite element error estimates (22:07) |
Krishna Garikipati
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
06.01. Functionals. Free energy - I (17:38) |
Krishna Garikipati
06.02. Functionals. Free energy - II (13:20) |
Krishna Garikipati
06.03. Extremization of functionals (18:30) |
Krishna Garikipati
06.04. Derivation of the weak form using a variational principle (20:09) |
Krishna Garikipati
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
07.01. The strong form of steady state heat conduction and mass diffusion - I (18:24) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.02. Response to a question (1:27) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.02. The strong form of steady state heat conduction and mass diffusion - II (19:00) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.03. The strong form, continued (19:27) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.04. The weak form (24:33) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.05. The finite-dimensional weak form - I (12:35) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.06. The finite-dimensional weak form - II (15:56) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.07. Three-dimensional hexahedral finite elements (21:30) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.08. Aside: Insight to the basis functions by considering the two-dimensional case (16:43) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.09. Field derivatives. The Jacobian - I (12:38) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.10. Field derivatives. The Jacobian - II (14:20) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.11. The integrals in terms of degrees of freedom (16:25) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.12. The integrals in terms of degrees of freedom - continued (20:55) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.13. The matrix-vector weak form - I (17:19) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.14. The matrix-vector weak form II (11:20) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.15.The matrix-vector weak form, continued - I (17:21) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.16. The matrix-vector weak form, continued - II (16:08) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.17. The matrix vector weak form, continued further - I (17:40) |
Krishna Garikipati
07.18. The matrix-vector weak form, continued further - II (17:18) |
Krishna Garikipati
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
08.01. Lagrange basis functions in 1 through 3 dimensions - I (18:58) |
Krishna Garikipati
08.02. Lagrange basis functions in 1 through 3 dimensions - II (12:36) |
Krishna Garikipati
08.02ct. Coding Assignment 02 |
Krishna Garikipati
08.02ct. Coding Assignment 02 Template |
Krishna Garikipati
08.02ct. Coding Assignment 2 (2D Problem) - I |
Gregory Teichert
08.03. Quadrature rules in 1 through 3 dimensions (17:03) |
Krishna Garikipati
08.03ct. 1. Coding Assignment 2 (2D Problem) - II (13:50) |
Gregory Teichert
08.03ct. 2. Coding Assignment 2 (3D Problem) |
Gregory Teichert
08.04. Triangular and tetrahedral elements - Linears - I (10:25) |
Krishna Garikipati
08.05. Triangular and tetrahedral elements - Linears - II (16:29) |
Krishna Garikipati
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
09.01. The finite-dimensional weak form and basis functions - I (20:39) |
Krishna Garikipati
09.02. The finite-dimensional weak form and basis functions - II (19:12) |
Krishna Garikipati
09.03. The matrix-vector weak form (19:06) |
Krishna Garikipati
09.04. The matrix-vector weak form - II (9:42) |
Krishna Garikipati
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
10.01. The strong form of linearized elasticity in three dimensions - I (09:58) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.02. The strong form of linearized elasticity in three dimensions - II (15:44) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.03. The strong form, continued (23:54) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.04. The constitutive relations of linearized elasticity (21:09) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.05. Response to a question (07:55) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.05. The weak form - I (17:37) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.06. The weak form - II (20:23) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.07. The finite-dimensional weak form - Basis functions - I (18:23) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.08. The finite-dimensional weak form - Basis functions - II (10:00) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.09. Element integrals - I (20:45) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.10. Element integrals - II (6:45) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.11. The matrix-vector weak form - I (19:00) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.12. The matrix-vector weak form - II (12:11) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.13. Assembly of the global matrix-vector equations - I (20:40) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.14. Assembly of the global matrix-vector equations - II (9:16) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.14ct. 1. Coding Assignment 03 |
Krishna Garikipati
10.14ct. 1. Coding Assignment 03 Template |
Krishna Garikipati
10.14ct. 1. Coding Assignment 3 - I (10:19) |
Gregory Teichert
10.14ct. 2. Coding Assignment 3 - II (19:55) |
Gregory Teichert
10.15. Dirichlet boundary conditions - I (21:23) |
Krishna Garikipati
10.16. Dirichlet boundary conditions - II (13:59) |
Krishna Garikipati
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
11.01. The strong form (16:29) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.02. The weak form, and finite-dimensional weak form - I (18:44) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.03. The weak form, and finite-dimensional weak form - II (10:15) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.04. Basis functions, and the matrix-vector weak form - I (19:52) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.05. Basis functions, and the matrix-vector weak form - II (12:03) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.05. Response to a question (00:51) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.06. Dirichlet boundary conditions; the final matrix-vector equations (16:57) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.07. Time discretization; the Euler family - I (22:37) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.08. Time discretization; the Euler family - II (9:55) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.09. The v-form and d-form (20:54) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.09ct. 1. Coding Assignment 04 |
Krishna Garikipati
11.09ct. 1. Coding Assignment 04 Template |
Krishna Garikipati
11.09ct. 1. Coding Assignment 4 - I (11:10) |
Gregory Teichert
11.09ct. 2. Coding Assignment 4 - II (13:53) |
Gregory Teichert
11.10. Analysis of the integration algorithms for first order, parabolic equations; modal decomposition - I (17:24) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.11. Analysis of the integration algorithms for first order, parabolic equations; modal decomposition - II (12:55) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.12. Modal decomposition and modal equations - I (16:00) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.13. Modal decomposition and modal equations - II (16:01) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.14. Modal equations and stability of the time-exact single degree of freedom systems - I (10:49) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.15. Modal equations and stability of the time-exact single degree of freedom systems - II (17:38) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.16. Stability of the time-discrete single degree of freedom systems (23:25) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.17. Behavior of higher-order modes; consistency - I (18:57) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.18. Behavior of higher-order modes; consistency - II (19:51) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.19. Convergence - I (20:49) |
Krishna Garikipati
11.20. Convergence - II (16:38) |
Krishna Garikipati
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
12.01. The strong and weak forms (16:37) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.02. The finite-dimensional and matrix-vector weak forms - I (10:37) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.03. The finite-dimensional and matrix-vector weak forms - II (16:00) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.04. The time-discretized equations (23:15) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.05. Stability - I (12:57) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.06. Stability - II (14:35) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.07. Behavior of higher-order modes (19:32) |
Krishna Garikipati
12.08. Convergence (20:54) |
Krishna Garikipati