Clinical teaching takes place in the clinical setting for health professions. Clinical teachers have the challenging and meaningful responsibility to convey the bedside art and science of medical practice. This course will provide clinicians with the tools to improve their clinical teaching and assessment practices. This course provides instruction and experience for educating members of the health professions an asynchronous way to obtain, expand, and improve their clinical teaching skills. While many courses seek to build knowledge and knowledge application, this course will extend the application to performance- based skills. These skills can be applied within their own professional context, with a variety of learners, extending across many stages. We will ask you go out and apply the skills you are learning and then come back and reflect discuss with classmates.
Course Objectives
After completing this course, learners will:
- Learn a variety of applied teaching techniques
- Be able to have an effective feedback discussion
- Be able to orient the learner in their clinical setting
- Be able to analyze the RIME* level of the learner and share strategies for learner to improve
- Understand and apply entrustment and autonomy to effectively supervise and teach residents
- Share successful strategies in these areas
- Integrate these teaching and assessing strategies successfully in their clinical environment
Instructor: Sally Santen
Course Syllabus
Each section will be covered leading professors in the specific areas:
Week 1 - Feedback: Dr. Sally Santen (Assistant Dean of Educational Research and Quality Improvement, Associate Chair of Education, Department of Emergency Medicine, Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine and Learning Health Sciences) and Dr. Jocelyn Schiller (Clerkship Director, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases) from the University of Michigan Medical School
The content will cover
- What is feedback?
- Why should we provide feedback? Why is feedback difficult?
- A model for providing feedback
Week 2 - Orienting your Learner: Dr. Jenny Christner (Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Upstate Medical University, State University of New York) and Dr. Sally Santen
The content will cover
- Why is orientation important?
- A model for ORIENTing the learner
- What belongs in orientation
- Designing and providing orientation to your setting
Week 3 - Integration & Connection: Dr. Sally Santen
This is a period for catchup, reflection, integration and connection. It will include some discussion forums and specific times to connect in real time via social media (hang-out)
Week 4 - RIME* Model for Learner Assessment and Feedback: Dr. Jenny Christner and Dr. Sally Santen
The content will cover
- What is RIME? (Reporter, Interpreter, Manager, Educator model from Dr Lou Pangaro)
- RIME in use
- How to incorporate RIME into your practice
Week 5 - How to Effectively Supervise and Teach Residents: Entrustment and Autonomy: Dr. Sally Santen and Dr. Meg Wolff (Assistant Fellowship Director, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases) from the University of Michigan Medical School
The content will cover
- What is entrustment?
- Factors affecting entrsutment
- Entrustment in practice
- Tips to entrustment
Week 6 - Integration, Connection & Summation: Dr Sally Santen
This is a period for catchup, reflection, integration, connection and summation. It will include some discussion forums, specific times to connect in real time via social media (hang-out) and final action plans of how to move forward.
Recommended Background
The appropriate background is a health professional working with learners in the clinical environment. This course is provided by physicians and therefore aimed at physician learners. We think that the principles can be applied to all of the health professions.
Suggested Readings
In the reference section of each unit, you are provided a list of recommended/optional resources that you can use to enhance your learning on the topic. These materials are not required for your participation in the course.
Course Format
Because this course is trying to teach you skills the format is aimed towards. Each session has:
- Material to be learned
- A series of videos to apply the content with a debrief discussing the videos.
- At each step we will ask you to reflect on the material though a discussion board and respond to others posts. You are encouraged to participate in the Discussion Forums to further explore and develop your knowledge about the topic areas. We have created discussion forums corresponding to some of the video segments. You will be encouraged to participate in these discussion threads created by us as part of your planned activities for the course.
- In addition, we will provide several experts talking about their effective approaches
- Finally, we will ask you to go out and apply the skills, get some feedback, reflect on the process and through the workplace assessments (self assessment & reflection).
** This class will work best for you if you have a partner or a trio in your institution for you to work with. The course is designed to teach skills that are best learned with practice and feedback. Therefore if you partner with a colleague to work on this course, you will learn more through your partener’s input and feedback.
About the Creators

Sally Santen
Sally Santen, M.D., Ph.D., is Assistant Dean for Educational Research and Quality Improvement in the Medical School and Associate Chair of Education in the Department of Emergency Medicine. She also is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Medical Education.
Her primary work is in the Medical School, where she leads curriculum development, and student assessment and evaluation, in addition to leading the Emergency Medicine educational mission with fellows, residents and students. Her areas of research include assessment, evaluation, burnout, resiliency and entrustment. more...

Jump to:
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
01.00 - Unit 1 Introduction |
Sally Santen
01.01 - What is Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.02 - What is Important About Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.03 - What is Difficult About Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.04 - Pediatrics History - Taking Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.05 - Debrief of Pediatrics History |
Sally Santen
01.06 - RIME and ACGME |
Sally Santen
01.07 - Providing Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.08 - Debrief of Providing Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.09 - Wrap Up Video Discussion |
Sally Santen
01.10 - How to Provide Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.11 - Lumbar Puncture Procedure Roleplay |
Sally Santen
01.12 - Debrief of Lumbar Puncture Video |
Sally Santen
01.13 - Anesthesia Case Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.14 - Debrief of Anesthesia Case Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.15 - Wrap Up |
Sally Santen
02.00 - Introduction |
Sally Santen
02.00 - Unit 2 Introduction |
Sally Santen
02.01 - Orienting Your Learner |
Sally Santen
02.02 - Orienting the Learner - Student Perception |
Sally Santen
02.03 - Model for ORIENTing the Learner |
Sally Santen
02.04 - Vignette: Orientation to Clinic |
Sally Santen
02.05 - Debrief of Orientation |
Sally Santen
02.06 - Vignette: Orientation to Clinic 2 |
Sally Santen
02.07 - Debrief of Orientation 2 |
Sally Santen
03.00 - Unit 3 Introduction |
Sally Santen
03.01 - What is RIME? |
Sally Santen
03.02 - Patient With Abdominal Pain |
Sally Santen
03.03 - Pediatric Case |
Sally Santen
03.04 - Smoking Counseling |
Sally Santen
03.05 - Chest Pain Case |
Sally Santen
03.06 - Another Patient With Chest Pain |
Sally Santen
03.07 - Young Woman With Chest Pain and Shortness of Breath Case |
Sally Santen
03.08 - Patient With Hand Pain |
Sally Santen
03.09 - How to Incorporate RIME in Your Practice |
Sally Santen
04.00 - Unit 4 Introduction |
Sally Santen
04.01 - What is Entrustment |
Sally Santen
04.02 - Entrustment from Resident's Perspective - Dr. Josh Glazer's first experience |
Sally Santen
04.03 - Entrustment from Resident's Perspective - Dr. Josh Glazer's second experience |
Sally Santen
04.04 - Entrustment from Resident's Perspective - Dr. Ashley Pavlic |
Sally Santen
04.05 - Faculty Factors Affecting Entrustment |
Sally Santen
04.06 - Other Factors Affecting Entrustment |
Sally Santen
04.07 - Entrustment in Vitro |
Sally Santen
04.08 - Josh and Emily |
Sally Santen
04.09 - Debrief of Josh and Emily |
Sally Santen
04.10 - Joe and Morgan |
Sally Santen
04.11 - Debrief of Joe and Morgan |
Sally Santen
04.12 - Emily and Morgan Evaluating Patient with Chest Pain |
Sally Santen
04.13 - Debrief of Chest Pain - Emily and Morgan |
Sally Santen
04.14 - Melissa and Emily and Pediatric Resuscitation |
Sally Santen
04.15 - Debrief of Emily and Melissa |
Sally Santen
04.16 - Bedside Rounds |
Sally Santen
04.17 - Debrief of Bedside Rounds |
Sally Santen
04.18 - Rounds 2 |
Sally Santen
04.19 - Ben and Team CPR |
Sally Santen
04.20 - Debrief of Ben and Team CPR |
Sally Santen
04.21 - How Do We Entrust? |
Sally Santen
04.22 - Dr. Andy Oden |
Sally Santen
04.23 - Dr. Meg Wolff |
Sally Santen
04.24 - Dr. Michelle Caird |
Sally Santen
04.25 - Tips to Entrustment |
Sally Santen

Jump to:
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
01.00 - Unit 1 Introduction |
Sally Santen
01.01 - What is Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.02 - What is Important About Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.03 - What is Difficult About Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.04 - Pediatrics History - Taking Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.05 - Debrief of Pediatrics History |
Sally Santen
01.06 - RIME and ACGME |
Sally Santen
01.07 - Providing Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.08 - Debrief of Providing Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.09 - Wrap Up Video Discussion |
Sally Santen
01.10 - How to Provide Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.11 - Lumbar Puncture Procedure Roleplay |
Sally Santen
01.12 - Debrief of Lumbar Puncture Video |
Sally Santen
01.13 - Anesthesia Case Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.14 - Debrief of Anesthesia Case Feedback |
Sally Santen
01.15 - Wrap Up |
Sally Santen
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
02.00 - Introduction |
Sally Santen
02.00 - Unit 2 Introduction |
Sally Santen
02.01 - Orienting Your Learner |
Sally Santen
02.02 - Orienting the Learner - Student Perception |
Sally Santen
02.03 - Model for ORIENTing the Learner |
Sally Santen
02.04 - Vignette: Orientation to Clinic |
Sally Santen
02.05 - Debrief of Orientation |
Sally Santen
02.06 - Vignette: Orientation to Clinic 2 |
Sally Santen
02.07 - Debrief of Orientation 2 |
Sally Santen
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
03.00 - Unit 3 Introduction |
Sally Santen
03.01 - What is RIME? |
Sally Santen
03.02 - Patient With Abdominal Pain |
Sally Santen
03.03 - Pediatric Case |
Sally Santen
03.04 - Smoking Counseling |
Sally Santen
03.05 - Chest Pain Case |
Sally Santen
03.06 - Another Patient With Chest Pain |
Sally Santen
03.07 - Young Woman With Chest Pain and Shortness of Breath Case |
Sally Santen
03.08 - Patient With Hand Pain |
Sally Santen
03.09 - How to Incorporate RIME in Your Practice |
Sally Santen
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
04.00 - Unit 4 Introduction |
Sally Santen
04.01 - What is Entrustment |
Sally Santen
04.02 - Entrustment from Resident's Perspective - Dr. Josh Glazer's first experience |
Sally Santen
04.03 - Entrustment from Resident's Perspective - Dr. Josh Glazer's second experience |
Sally Santen
04.04 - Entrustment from Resident's Perspective - Dr. Ashley Pavlic |
Sally Santen
04.05 - Faculty Factors Affecting Entrustment |
Sally Santen
04.06 - Other Factors Affecting Entrustment |
Sally Santen
04.07 - Entrustment in Vitro |
Sally Santen
04.08 - Josh and Emily |
Sally Santen
04.09 - Debrief of Josh and Emily |
Sally Santen
04.10 - Joe and Morgan |
Sally Santen
04.11 - Debrief of Joe and Morgan |
Sally Santen
04.12 - Emily and Morgan Evaluating Patient with Chest Pain |
Sally Santen
04.13 - Debrief of Chest Pain - Emily and Morgan |
Sally Santen
04.14 - Melissa and Emily and Pediatric Resuscitation |
Sally Santen
04.15 - Debrief of Emily and Melissa |
Sally Santen
04.16 - Bedside Rounds |
Sally Santen
04.17 - Debrief of Bedside Rounds |
Sally Santen
04.18 - Rounds 2 |
Sally Santen
04.19 - Ben and Team CPR |
Sally Santen
04.20 - Debrief of Ben and Team CPR |
Sally Santen
04.21 - How Do We Entrust? |
Sally Santen
04.22 - Dr. Andy Oden |
Sally Santen
04.23 - Dr. Meg Wolff |
Sally Santen
04.24 - Dr. Michelle Caird |
Sally Santen
04.25 - Tips to Entrustment |
Sally Santen