Image adapted from the National Cancer Institute. This image is in the Public Domain.
This sequence explores the elements of innate and acquired immune defense mecahnisms, the cells involved, their development and maturation, and biomolecular cellular communication mechanisms required to successfully fight off infection.
Sequence Director:
Wesley Dunnick, Ph.D.
Reda Jaber
Wassim Chehouri
Matthew Wixson
This sequence will be graded as pass/fail. Students will receive a single cumulative grade for the sequence, based a quiz and final exam. Each quiz and examination question is worth one point. In order to pass the sequence a student must achieve a cumulative score of at least 75%.
Total Questions (approximate)
Quiz (2/23) - Week 1
Lectures - 28
Small Group - 2
Laboratories - 8
Complement, Transplantation Allergy/Asthma Self Studies - 2
Final (3/2) - Week 1
Lectures - 28
Small Group - 2
Laboratories - 4
Complement, Transplantation Allergy/Asthma Self Studies - 2
Final (3/2) - Week 2
Lectures - 30
Small Group - 2
Laboratories - 20-24
Complement, Transplantation Allergy/Asthma Self Studies - 6
Small Groups
The Immunology Sequence includes three one-hour small groups which are run differently than small groups in other sequences. Your attendance at small groups is not required. The material to be presented is important, particularly to place the details you learn about immune responses in lecture into the context of a larger picture and into the context of a real clinical situation. There will be two exam or quiz questions asked for each small group session. Each small group has a unique leader, and hence each small group experience is unique. The small group leaders are aware of the quiz/exam questions to be posed, and will be sure to cover that specific material (which is very likely to arise naturally during the discussion questions).
Beyond that part of the material, the discussion in each small group will depend on both the leader and the student’s questions about the material. Hence, it would be impossible to condense all of the small group experiences into a common document. Therefore, there will be no materials (other than the Multiple Myeloma Powerpoint) posted online for these small groups. Your only way to obtain the experience is to attend.
Required Textbook
- Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease. Cotran, Kumar, and Robbins (Saunders)
Recommended Textbook
- The Immune System. - P. Parham (second edition, Garland Science.) 2005. ISBN: 0-8153-4093-1
We strongly recommend that you purchase some basic Immunology text for this course. The Parham text (above) has about the right depth for this class. You might be able to use any other text that is less than four years old. For example, Janeway et al., Abbas et al.
Course Faculty
- Wesley Dunnick, Ph.D. (Course Director) - Department of Microbiology and Immunology
- Cheong-Hee Chang, Ph.D. - Department of Microbiology and Immunology
- Joseph C. Fantone, M.D. - Department of Pathology
- Massimo T. Pietropaolo, M.D. - Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases
- Lloyd M. Stoolman, M. D. - Department of Pathology
- Thomas R. Gest, Ph. D. - Medical Education
- J. Matthew Velkey, Ph. D. - Cell and Developmental Biology
Learning Outcomes
- To understand the structural and genetic basis of diversity and specificity of immunoglobulins and T cell receptors.
- To understand the utility of antibodies in many clinical tests for proteins, hormones, etc.
- To understand the events that hallmark the antigen-independent and antigen-dependent phases of B cell differentiation.
- To understand the diversity of MHC molecules, and how that diversity differs from immunoglobulin and T cell receptor diversity.
- To understand how MHC molecules present antigens, and how antigens are processed to before presentation.
- To understand positive and negative T cell selection in the thymus, and how those events influence the final T cell repertoire.
- To understand the requirements for T cell activation by antigen, and how the nature of the antigen presenting cell influences the outcome of antigen recognition.
- To understand that transplantation reactions are mainly the result of cell recognition of allogeneic MHC molecules.
- To understand how the effector functions of antibodies, T cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and NK cells can eliminate pathogens or lead to pathology.
- To understand the function of CD4+ Th1, CD4+ Th2 cells, and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells in the immune response.
- To appreciate the multiple roles of cytokines and chemokines in mediating interactions between leukocytes and other leukocytes and between leukocytes and other types of cells.
- To understand how cells in both innate and acquired immunity can encounter a pathogen first at one site, and then fight an infection at some distal site.
Reading List
Required Textbook
- Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease. Cotran, Kumar, and Robbins (Saunders)
Recommended Textbook
- The Immune System. - P. Parham (second edition, Garland Science.) 2005. ISBN: 0-8153-4093-1
We strongly recommend that you purchase some basic Immunology text for this course. The Parham text (above) has about the right depth for this class. You might be able to use any other text that is less than four years old. For example, Janeway et al., Abbas et al.

Image adapted from the National Cancer Institute. This image is in the Public Domain.
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Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Syllabus |
Wesley Dunnick
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
02.09.09(a): Case Study: Type I Diabetes Overview of Immune Response |
Dept. Staff
02.09.09(b): Antibodies |
Dept. Staff
02.09.09(c): Antibody-Based Clinical Tests |
Dept. Staff
02.10.09(a): Self-Study: The Complement System in Human Disease |
Joe Fantone
02.10.09(b): Phagocytic Cells: Mechanisms of Bacterial Injury and Tissue Injury |
Joe Fantone
02.10.09(c): Arachadonic Acid Metabolism |
Joe Fantone
02.10.09(d): B-Cell Development |
Dept. Staff
02.11.09(a): Joining Variable & Constant Region Genes |
Dept. Staff
02.11.09(b): B-Cell Differentiation |
Dept. Staff
02.12.09: Multiple Myeloma |
Dept. Staff
02.13.09(a) Cytokines |
Dept. Staff
02.13.09(b): T-Cell Development |
Dept. Staff
02.16.09: Lymphatic Histology |
Matthew Velkey
02.17.09(a): Types I - IV Immunopathology |
Joe Fantone
02.17.09(b): Self Study: Allergy & Asthma |
Dept. Staff
02.17.09(c): Self Study: Transplantation |
Dept. Staff
02.18.09: Review: Type 1 Diabetes and Overview of Immune Response |
Dept. Staff
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
2007 Daily Schedule: M1 Immunology |
Dept. Staff
2008 Daily Schedule: M1 Immunology |
Dept. Staff
2009 Daily Schedule: M1 Immunology |
Dept. Staff
2010 Daily Schedule: M1 Immunology |
Dept. Staff
Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
02.11.08(a): Sequence Intro Immunology |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.11.08(b): Antibody Structure and Function |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.11.08(c): Antibody-Based Clinical Tests |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.12.08(a): Complement Self-Study Module |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.12.08(b): Phagocytic Cells: Mechanisms of Bacterial Killing and Tissue Injury |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.12.08(c): Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and Inflammation |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.12.08(d): B Cell Development and Activation |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.12.08: Anterior Triangle of the Neck |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.13.08(a): Joining Variable and Constant Regions |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.13.08(b): Eventsin Antigen Driven B Cell Differentiation |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.13.08(c): T Cell Antigen Receptor |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.13.08: Posterior Triangle of the Neck |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.14.08: Small Group: Processing and Presentation of Antigens for TCR Recognition and Myeloma |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.15.08(a): Cytokines and Chemokines |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.15.08(b): The MHC Complex |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.15.08(c): T Cell Development |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.18.08(a): T Cell Activation |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.18.08(b): T Cell Effector Function |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.18.08: Histology - Lymphatic System |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.19.08(a): Type I Diabetes |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.19.08(b): Classification of Immune Mediated Tissue Injury |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.19.08(c): Small Group: Hyper-IgM Agammaglobulinemia |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.19.08(d): Allergy and Asthma Self-Study Module |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.19.08(e): Transplantation Self Study |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis
02.20.08: Small Group: Leukocyte Development and Trafficking During Inflammation and Immunity + Myasthenia Gravis |
Aken Desai
Michael Mathis