Image courtesy of Steven Fruitsmaak under a Creative Commons license: BY-SA.
The goal of this unit is to provide you with the evidence-based knowledge required to counsel patients on the use of both natural and pharmaceutical products to treat the common symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), namely heartburn and regurgitation.
GERD is the most common gastrointestinal complaint seen in primary care practices, accounts for over 20% of referrals to gastroenterologists from primary care, and accounts for over $11 billion annually in direct and indirect costs. Population data has demonstrated the prevalence of heartburn and regurgitation to be 42% and 28% respectively, and up to 40% of American adults experience heartburn on a monthly basis. Patients who have GERD generally report reduced work productivity, decreased psychological well-being and decreased health-related quality of life lower than in patients who have untreated angina pectoris, chronic heart failure or diabetes mellitus.
Learning Objectives
To appropriately diagnose GERD, distinguish this condition from dyspepsia and peptic ulcer disease, and understand associated alarm and extraesophageal symptoms that indicate need for endoscopic evaluation by a gastroenterologist
To understand the pathophysiology of GERD and how anti-secretory therapy, lifestyle modifications, botanical products, acupuncture, and mind-body therapies can work to improve symptoms
To describe indications for anti-secretory therapy and demulcent botanical products in the treatment of GERD
To identify commonly accepted botanical products for the symptomatic treatment of GERD, available preparations and dosages, and potential side effects and contraindications
To evaluate the risks versus benefits of using natural products in the treatment of GERD as compared to conventional pharmacotherapy with H2RAs and PPIs
To apply knowledge of GERD to a case scenario
To demonstrate self-confidence in advising patients about the use of lifestyle modifications and botanical products for the treatment of GERD

Image courtesy of Steven Fruitsmaak under a Creative Commons license: BY-SA.
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Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Case Presentation |
Joel J. Heidelbaugh
Other Therapies |
Joel J. Heidelbaugh
Pathophysiology |
Joel J. Heidelbaugh
Photo Attributions |
Joel J. Heidelbaugh
References |
Joel J. Heidelbaugh
Risks of Medical Therapies |
Joel J. Heidelbaugh
Suggested Lifestyle Modifications |
Joel J. Heidelbaugh