These are reference Open Educational Resources selected for residents in obstetrics and gynecology. This collection was developed in response to a request from the 1000+ OBGYN Consortium for supplemental learning materials based on topics from the ACGME Milestones for OBGYN.
This is a representative but not comprehensive collection of learning materials that are free to access, publicly available, and, in most cases, publicly licensed to allow copying and adaptation under certain conditions.
This is a preliminary collection compiled for the consortium. The collection will be revised and extended based on feedback from the consortium members.
Selected by:
- Mike Brady, St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
- Diana Wolfe, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

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Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Aspiration of the Newborn Airway with a Bulb Syringe. Video. OBGYN-101. |
The Brookside Associates Medical Education Division
Cesarean Delivery. Video. OBGYN-101. |
The Brookside Associates Medical Education Division
Cesarean Section Birth. Video. Medline Plus. March 2008. |
Shawnee Mission Medical Center
Clamp and Cut the Umbilical Cord. Video. OBGYN-101. |
The Brookside Associates Medical Education Division
Delivery of posterior arm in shoulder dystocia. Video. OBGYN-101. |
The Brookside Associates Medical Education Division
Delivery of the placenta. Video. OBGYN-101. |
The Brookside Associates Medical Education Division
Examination of the Newborn. Tutorial. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
The Royal College of Midwives
Forceps Delivery Procedures. Tutorial. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
Lee Wright
Forceps Delivery. Skills Training Video. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
Maternity Training International
Neonatal Resuscitation. Skills Training Video. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
Maternity Training International
Neonatal Resuscitation. Skills Training Video. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
Maternity Training International
Normal Vaginal Delivery – Stage 1. Tutorial. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
Margaret Fisher
Normal Vaginal Delivery – Stage 2. Tutorial. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
Margaret Fisher
Alison James
Normal Vaginal Delivery – Stage 3. Tutorial. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
Margaret Fisher
Alison James
Obstetric Fistula. Tutorial. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
Brian Hancock
Obstetrical Forceps. Video. OBGYN-101. |
The Brookside Associates Medical Education Division
Operative Vaginal Delivery. Chapter 18 in: Advances in Labour and Risk Management Textbook. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine |
Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada
International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Pelvic Exam During Labor. Video. OBGYN-101. |
The Brookside Associates Medical Education Division
Pregnant Abdomen Exam. Video. OBGYN-101. |
The Brookside Associates Medical Education Division
Shoulder Dystocia. Skills Training Video. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine |
Maternity Training International
The Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage. Video Tutorial. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
David G. T. Bloomer
Umbilical Cord Around the Neck. Video. OBGYN-101. |
The Brookside Associates Medical Education Division
Vacuum Extraction Delivery. Skills Training Video. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
Maternity Training International
Vacuum Extraction. Tutorial. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
Lee Wright
Vaginal Breech Delivery. Skills Training Video. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
Maternity Training International
Vaginal Delivery. Video. OBGYN-101. |
The Brookside Associates Medical Education Division
WHO Partograph - a comprehensive programme. Interactive Module. The Global Library of Women’s Medicine. |
The Global Library of Women’s Medicine.