The draft review examines the link between climate change and health with special reference to the Southern African region (SADC countries). It attempts to set the scene for determining pertinent research priorities in the region to contribute to knowledge on the one hand, and for identification, implementation and evaluation of adaptation interventions that are likely to be appropriate and effective in the region. This review has been conducted by Strategic Evaluation, Advisory and Development Consulting (SEAD), a health consultancy together with the COEHR, and is part of the Regional Climate Change Programme (RCPP) led by One World Sustainable Investments.
While this is currently a research work which outlines research and development objectives, it is envisaged that much of the material reviewed is also suitable for inclusion in teaching - particularly postgraduate teaching at University Masters level.
Institution: University of Cape Town
Authors: T Young, T Tucker, M Galloway, P Manyike, A Chapman, Jonny Myers

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Document Title | Creator | Downloads | License |
Climate Change and Health in the SADC Region |
T Young
T Tucker
M Galloway
P Manyike
A Chapman
J Myers