The 2012 impact study follows on from two earlier evaluations of the project.
A formative evaluation of the Design Phase completed at the end of 2009 focused mainly on OER ‘take-up’ and production in the partner institutions. This evaluation concluded that expectations and contractual targets had been met, or exceeded by an impressive margin, with project coordinators and participants in each partner institution having engaged OER in creative ways that were most appropriate to their own contexts.
The second evaluation, a mid-term evaluation from 2011 titled ‘Phase 2 Evaluation: Consolidation and Sustainability', reinforced the finding that individual and institutional participants in the project had made significant progress in producing OER as well as in developing OER-supportive policy environments. This they had done in their own distinctive ways, in a manner that was consistent with their own ethos, contextual realities, strategies and resources.
This impact evaluation focused more broadly on Network activities, including these four institutions and partnerships that have been formed since project inception in 2008, as well as broader usage of health OER by other users not affiliated with the Network.
Organization: Saide
Author: Ken Harley

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African Health OER Network Impact Study (2012) |
African Health OER Network Impact Study - Annexure (2012) |